This is What Happens When You Eat Carbs and Fats Together

Rishav Sinha
Science For Life


Oh yes. That tasty and creamy feeling of the pasta is unbelievable! All this cheese…so good!

You know that feeling. I know that feeling. It’s amazing.

But is it a good idea to eat a bunch of carbohydrates and fats in terms of calories and weight loss?

Oh, I know what your thinking. “It’s calories in vs calories out at the end of the day.

It doesn’t matter if I eat a bunch of carbohydrates and fats at once or a bunch of anything else at once.”

“Calories in vs. calories out” or science. Which one are you going to believe?

I believe science and you should too.

When you consume carbohydrates, it gets broken down into glucose in the small intestine.

Afterward, the glucose gets sent out of the small intestine via blood vessels. Now lets briefly look at how fats enter the bloodstream.



Rishav Sinha
Science For Life

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