This is what happens when you know your blueprints in life

Sometimes all its takes to change your life is to know where are you coming from

Amit Kumar
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readJun 4, 2020


Whenever a building is built, it starts with a blueprint, a master plan by the architect according to which the people who are building it will take their steps.

A building without a sound blueprint seldom results in something builders would be proud of.

It is the base on which the building stands.

Our lives are also a building for which we are the architects.

And based on the blueprints, architects have for their building called life, it results in a hut, a villa, a mansion, or a monument.

For the initial part of our lives, the blueprints are not in our hands, they are the result of the surroundings we are in.

But, once we come to an age of understanding the things around us, we have full control over the blueprint for our lives.

That is the reason two people coming from the same family, the same locality and under the same circumstances, end up creating two different lives for themselves.

There is a story about two brothers who had an alcoholic father.

One of them succeeded in life, while other one didn’t

When it was asked the reason for their situations in life, both had the same answer, My father was an alcoholic.

One of them continued with whatever blueprint he was given while the other one worked to amend it.

You also can take control of the master plan of your life. You also can take control of the blueprint of your life, but before that, you need to know what are the blueprints we have in our lives.

1) Basic life blueprint

It is the blueprint that defines the kind of life you are going to have.

It tells the kind of decisions you will take, kind of friends you will make, kind of success you will have, kind of failures you will have, and how you will react to all of them.

It is a basic idea about your life.

A person raised up in a middle-class neighborhood would imagine his life like people in his surroundings are having and will have the same kind of life as well because that’s what his blueprint is.

Millions or billions of people having those same kinds of lives are living around us all the time.

And some of them, decide to change their blueprint and take decisions accordingly and move in their lives in the directions of their decisions and actions.

2) Self-image blueprint

How you see yourself is an important step in deciding where will you end up in your life.

Ideally, you should have an undying belief in your abilities, in your own worth, and in your individuality.

But that’s not the case always.

You are sum total of the experiences you have had in your life until now.

Your self worth is made until now based on how your parents saw themselves and how they saw you.

It is a proven fact that children of confident people and people with high self-worth grow up to be like them, and vice versa as well.

So you need to see, what is your blueprint for your self-image.

Do you love yourself?

Do you respect yourself?

Do you expect yourself to be someone in life?

Answers to these questions which will take you on the journey of self-discovery and creating that self-image which will take you to the places you deserve and want to be.

3) Money blueprint

Money blueprint tells you your relationship with money.

Do you like money?

Do you hate money?

Do you think money will make you evil, or it will make you a better person?

If you are like millions out there, you would think having money is evil.

Most people think that and that’s why money is not very friendly with them.

But have you ever thought why money is very friendly with so many other people in this world?

Because they have a healthy relationship with money.

They know how to make it and then they know how to keep it.

Most people have problems with at least one of those things, either they don’t know how to make more money or if they know, they don’t know how to keep it.

They will lose it some way or another way because they are still not comfortable with having more money and because of that, money finds its way out through some mishappenings, some accidents, some ailment or some fraud to leave them.

Clearing the negative energy with the money and accepting it like any other thing and believing that it’s not that the money is bad, its how we accumulate it or what we do with it, that can we good or bad,

And once we accept that, once we clear all the negative blueprints we have because of all the negative beliefs we have been fed since childhood, we are ready to create a healthy relationship with it and once you do that, you will become a magnet to money.

That’s the reason some people attract money, no matter what is the situation while some despise it no matter what is the situation

4) Relationship blueprint

You would have come across so many people who have brilliant relations with themselves, have a hell lot of money but still are suffering in their personal relationships.

It’s because of the blueprints they have got by seeing their parents’ relationship.

If your parents were only focussed on the career and neglected you, you are also wired to do the same unless you chose to do otherwise.

If your parents loved you, had a happy time as a couple and as a family with you, you are going to copy the same in your life as well.

Subconsciously, a child always follows the character of her parents, and relationship is a major part of it.

All your actions, reactions, and response in your relationship will be based on how you saw your parents respond under the same situations in their lives.

Sometimes you might regret later on for what you did because It’s not what you chose to do, you just react to things automatically because of the blueprint you have for that since childhood and you will continue in the same way until you find out the root cause for that and work for it.

That will only decide, whether or not you will have a healthy relationship with your spouse and your child.

So, decide what kind of relations you want in your life, see what your blueprint is, and correct the loopholes in that.

5) Career Blueprint

Are you looking for a job that is secure and well paid?


You are looking for the adventure of entrepreneurship?

It depends on how your parents had their careers.

Your liking or disliking for the career will come from the blueprint created in your mind since childhood.

That is the reason, we have a family of doctors, engineers, journalists, army persons, Bankers, bureaucrats because the younger generation has been trained subconsciously to follow the footsteps of older generations and they do that without questioning.

Some of them don’t and follow their own paths because they chose to question the blueprint they were given.

6) Health blueprint

Did you ever wonder why doctors would ask about your family history on blood pressure, diabetes, or diseases of a similar kind to decide what are the chances of you having it?

Of course, heredity is one part of it.

But then, not all the siblings have high blood pressure if the parents have it.

Not all the siblings have diabetes if the parents have it.

Because some of them changed the master plan for their health.

They believed that they can be healthy and without any of those diseases if they follow a healthy diet, regular exercise, and take care of their mental health.

While other siblings just followed the same things their parents did and ended up having the same diseases and blamed that on their hereditary.

Final thoughts

Life is like a big building where there are various rooms in it and the building can’t be perfect if the rooms are not having a good blueprint.

Life is the way a building can be seen from outside but unless the person living enjoys staying in the rooms in it, the outer cell will never look good.

So to make sure the blueprint of life is perfect, you need to make sure to have a good blueprint for these aspects of your life

1) Self-image

2) Money

3) Relationship

4) Career

5) Health

Check what is your blueprint in each one of those areas, check where do you need to work on, and start before its too late.



Amit Kumar
Live Your Life On Purpose

Published Author | Freelance writer on various platforms | Father | writes about life, productivity, self-development, mindset & relationships