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This Simple Exercise Can Help You Figure Out What To Do With Your Life

Find out your purpose and then give the world a taste of your gift.

Omar Itani
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readJan 27, 2020


I just did a quick Google search of “what to do with my life”.

It yielded 13,200,000,000 search results in 0.78 seconds.

It’s a question we’ve been asked since we were kids.

“What do you want to do when you grow up?”

Personally, I thought I wanted to be an engineer.

Why? Because I was great at math and my uncle was an engineer. And for some weird reason, I thought that was a cool job. That was until grade 11 physics class showed up and I came to realize engineering wasn’t my true calling.

So I decided to go to business school instead. And several times throughout my twenties, I experienced the worst feeling in the world: the feeling of being lost.

It’s when you know you need to make a change but you’re not sure where to start. You know you want to move your life in a different direction but you’re not sure how you’re going to get there. All you know is that what you’re doing with your life, isn’t what you truly want to do.

I felt lost after graduating from university.

