This Simple Practice Will Change Your Life

The Best In The World Do This and So Should You

Zach Arend
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readDec 23, 2018


What do an NBA all-star, a world-renowned comedian, and a billionaire investor have in common?

They all say this practice is the greatest contributors to their success. What is it?

It’s mindfulness.

Why is mindfulness so powerful? How can it help you get more of what you want in life?

What is Mindfulness

”Mindfulness is the awareness that arises through paying attention on purpose in the present moment — non-judgmentally.” — Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn

It is simply paying attention to now: the entire experience, including our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

It’s noticing where we might feel the tension in our body. It’s observing sights, sounds, and smells. It’s being with whatever is in this very moment.

Read what’s below, pausing for 10 seconds to experience each line:

Sitting in your chair, notice that you are sitting…

…Feel your feet touching the floor as you breathe.

Notice what you see…

…And notice the sounds: both those that are close and those that are far away.

Observe what you are thinking and feeling…

That’s mindfulness.

Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a skill that we can develop. Just like strengthening our body by lifting heavy things, we can strengthen our ability to pay attention through a practice called mindful meditation.

“Meditation, more than any other factor, has been the reason for what success I’ve had. “ — Ray Dalio

Most think of meditation as sitting cross-legged on a pillow, eyes closed, humming a mantra.

Some do it this way. Most don’t.

Often, it is nothing more than sitting down, paying attention to a particular area of the breath, feeling the sensations of your inhales and exhales.

Thoughts will arise in your mind distracting you from your breath.

When your attention wanders off toward thinking, simply refocus your attention back to the breath, letting the thoughts dissolve into the background.

When we take our meditation practice from the chair to our walks of life we call that mindfulness, noticing thoughts and emotions as they arise, observing them without identifying with them.

By walking mindfully through our days we free ourselves up to engage with what is directly in front of us and to choose how we show up.

By practicing mindfulness for as little as ten minutes a day over a period of several weeks you will notice yourself change in a number of ways.

You Become More Resilient and Increase Your Energy

Mindfulness loosens the grip our thoughts have on us. Rather than fighting unwanted feelings and thoughts (which is exhausting), we can let them be just as they are.

The very practice of observing and noticing thoughts and feelings provides enough separation for you to choose which ones to engage with.

Here’s an example: the feeling of overwhelm will often hit me mid-afternoon as my emails pile up, my to-do list grows, and I’m going through my seventh interruption of the day yet to get done what I set out to accomplish.

If I stay in this headspace for too long I drain the vital creative energy I need to do and be my best.

“It’s like having a phone charger for your whole body and mind.“ — Jerry Seinfeld, On Meditation

A quick meditation is a refreshing reset for me, pausing for 3-minutes to close my eyes, breathe, and observe my thoughts and feelings.

Try it the next time you are feeling tense or overwhelmed. Sit down or go for walk and be present with yourself, noticing what’s going on around you and within you.

End the 3-minutes with 30 seconds focusing on your next intention — what are you wanting to accomplish, and how will you best show up to do so?

Its as if you took a plunge into the cool Pacific ocean. Walking back to shore, you feel rejuvenated, with more resiliency and energy.

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

You Will Increase Your Power and Presence (You’ll Experience More Confidence Too)

Practicing mindfulness will teach your mind to turn down the volume of your inner-critic.

The loudest voice in the room will no longer be the one in your own head.

Instead, you’ll be able to focus your attention on what’s going on around you, engaging with presence and influence.

You will learn to be grounded in whatever you are doing.

When I think of being grounded, I think of having weight.

Place all your weight, energy, and focus in the present. Stand firm and share who you are with the world.

“It’s like having an anchor. If I don’t do it, it’s like I’m constantly chasing the day. “ — Kobe Bryant

This is where confidence resides, resting in who you are, being comfortable in your own skin.

Instead of letting your thoughts grab you and take you hostage, separate from them and be present with your experience.

At times, you’ll still feel insecure, fearful, and anxious. That’s ok and normal.

You’ll never experience confidence trying to get rid of or avoid unwanted feelings.

So, accept and allow yourself to feel what you feel while choosing actions that move you toward what you want to accomplish.

Be with the entire experience and watch how your feelings no longer dominate the presence in your life.

Instead, you will hold the floor captive with your values, passion, and purpose.

You’ll Live Your Life On Purpose, Achieving Your Goals and Experiencing A Meaningful Life

Before developing mindfulness we tend to be entangled in our thoughts and feelings.

We not only experience anxiety and overwhelm, but we also make them part of our identity.

Because of this, we never pursue what we want most in our lives. Our unwanted feelings (insecurity, fear, apathy, anxiety, stress, discomfort) become the reason we don’t move forward.

The number one lesson mindful meditation teaches us is that we are not our thoughts and feelings.

This is the most freeing insight we can have — no more waiting until we feel “good” to take action toward what we want.

We are able to show up more often as our best selves, not stuck thinking about the past hour or worrying about what might happen if the sky falls.

We can be right here in this moment, ready to engage it, with energy and resilience, power and presence.


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Zach Arend
Live Your Life On Purpose

I write for growth-minded people who are hungry to pursue their potential —