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Ticks and Toxic People

How to rid yourself of the blood suckers

Amanda Balkema
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJun 6, 2019


It is tick season where I live. They are hatching and attaching themselves to anything that moves. We live in an area surrounded by woods and deer. So, that means there are lots of these around!

When you venture outside, it’s important to check yourself when returning in. I don’t always do this. And thus, found me in a predicament the other day. A tick had bitten into my skin. It was so small it looked like a tiny scab the size of a pencil led. However, after the initial moment of “Yikes!” I knew what I had to do!

Ticks and toxic people are just alike! Both suck the blood-life right out of you!

Ticks and toxic people are the same. They both attach themselves, usually slowly, and unbeknownst to you, and start sucking the life out. I know…a little dramatic in the terms of a tick, but not so much when talking about people.

Ticks can actually be mildly irritating or majorly harmful! Some will just bite into you, leave a small mark for a day or two and you’ll be on your way. Others, however, could produce major illness, like Lyme disease, that will need to be treated for years to come.



Amanda Balkema
Live Your Life On Purpose

A lover of the Jesus, ocean, books, and all things coffee and chocolate. Passionate about helping people with their life and relationships!