Trust Me You Are Becoming More And More Yourself

And your childhood memories are the key to this

Cristina Rojas
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

Before we start, let me tell you who I am to be talking about life’s purpose: I’m a certified yoga teacher, and these learnings have not only been things I’ve experienced in my own life through living abroad, changing careers, and the most magnificent heartbreak story that ended in me going to India for a month (I know, what a cliché), but they have also been things I’ve learned by reading three incredible texts: the yoga sutras, Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now and Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom.

Now, let’s get to the matter of it all: you are becoming more and more yourself.

What could I possibly mean by that?

I mean that every day if you learn to listen to yourself and to respect your soul’s desires, you will remove the many layers that you have acquired during your life to end up being more yourself.

Think back to who you were when you were a child before society had added the many invisible layers to you: your family’s beliefs of who you should be, society’s mandates on how you should think and behave, your community’s norms, etc. Who were you before all those layers?

Which things sparked joy in you when you were a kid?



Cristina Rojas
Live Your Life On Purpose

Certified Yoga Teacher. Talks about: yoga, mental health, business and science. Join my substack: