Two Weeks of Swimming in My Tears

Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readMay 26, 2018



Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

Prompted by something I’d been hearing Sarah say on her podcasts, I got on Social Media at the end of January 2017. First I opened a Twitter account, which at the time only allowed very short text. I soon came to understand that the short texts led the reader to websites through links.

Genius, I thought.

So next, I did same.

I launched my website on

Great, now people will come to read my words, I thought.

Nope, it didn’t happen…

Sigh 😔

Photo by Ev on Unsplash

Anyway, I’ve been on social media for an entire year now.

Today I want to tell you about my vulnerability with technology

Six months into the experience I heard Sarah’s words again and what she was saying to me eloquently enough was that I should own my website.

I couldn’t understand the process in its technicality but I googled it and ‘Smooth’ and ‘Easy Transfer’ were the words that spoke to me.

I set to moving my site from TO

Needless to say, it was NOT smooth nor was it easy.

I lost two blog posts in the process plus countless tears and hours of sunshine and still, I could not get the damn thing to work.

I needed help so I paid for a guided transfer.

The people who attended to me for the duration of that guided transfer — and everyone I speak to even to this day — have been extremely polite, friendly and helpful.

Every one of them.

That is a fact!

Fast forward to NOW

Ten months of and my troubles seem endless.

I’m disillusioned with the tedious updating situation of my website, but I’m even more disillusioned at the state of the But as you will read, it’s all MY FAULT.

I do not take well to technology. I feel it’s beyond my comprehension and that’s exactly how it plays out.

It was recently brought to my attention — and really, that only came to be because, and I’m embarrassed to tell you, the engineer asked for a snapshot of what I was seeing.

My downfall:

I don’t know how to take a snapshot of desktop (embarrassing) so I took a picture of my PC screen with my phone and added that as an attachment.

Had I known how to take a snapshot, a perfect snapshot is all he would have seen. The picture showed him what was directly in front of me. And my embarrassing weakness, my failure, spoke wonders this time.

That young man, Rakesh, was a good observer. Thank you.

He noticed that I was on site when I SHOULD have been on Bluehost >>!!!

sh*t, all those months wasted

I found it strange too, believe me, but I just didn’t know any better to question the experts.

My assistants, the happy engineers, saw the corrected page, the new dot org page every time but I continued to see the faulty page because I stayed on that faulty dot com page.

Saturday was the last time I interacted with them. I will check my website one day this week.

Three takeaways:

  • Trust your instincts
  • Shortcomings come in handy ‘sometimes’
  • It’s important to be on the right frequency

If you know of other points to enlightening me today, I’m always willing to hear from you. I need to be enlightened…

disclaimer: I know I’m no closer now to understanding technology.

…but do I really need to understand it to thrive in this tech world?

One more thing, now they’re telling me to clear cache. OMG! What does that mean?


I Wish You Miracles, Selma

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Live Your Life On Purpose

‘Ordinary’ INFJ. Slow-Reader. Learner/Enthusiast. Nature-lover. Lives reverently in healing frequency. Believer: Miracles & Kindness. Writes for YOU 💗 No bling