Types of Journals You Need to Express Yourself Today

Try it! There is no wrong way.

Karen karen
Live Your Life On Purpose


How do you express yourself? Do you have a hobby or passion? Are you someone with a logical mind who needs to track things?

Or maybe you have more of an abstract imagination?

For those who already use a journal, you know that the benefits are undeniable.

But if you’re starting out on your journaling journey, here are some ideas to get you in the right direction.

Art Journal for Everyone

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

An artist’s journal is the type of notebook that anyone can use.

Even if can’t draw stick figures, you can still express yourself!

Art journals are whatever you want them to be, the only prerequisite is to work with your heart.

Expressing yourself through art changes your perspective and your mood. It’s liberating and allows for unexplored freedom of thought.

And in these uncertain times, making art, in whatever form, reduces stress and calms the mind.



Karen karen
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writer. Avid Traveler. Translator. Be yourself. Own your future. What’s your feeling today? selfsenses.com