What A Millennial Thinks If Lady Diana Is Alive Today

My thoughts on what Lady Diana would do for the world we live in now.

Nicole Sudjono
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readDec 2, 2020


Source: Wikimedia

As someone who only knew her from stories, one can only guess what it’s like through stories passed down by people who lived in her era.

After watching the Netflix series The Crown and saw the dark tale of the kindest person on Earth, it made me sick to my stomach. I was up all night thinking about what I just watched and how could someone as sweet as her could experience such a dark world.

It made me wonder what it’d be like if she were still alive and what it’d mean to us.

Again, one can only guess. As someone who only hears stories about her, this is what I believe she’d do for her people, and for the whole world.

1) Have Social Media To Promote Kindness

I know that the royals don’t have a social media account (although it’s managed by their internal management), but I think she would have opened an Instagram account to talk about kindness and caring regardless of what the royals said.

I know that it might not be a good idea for someone who wasn’t treated well, especially since the internet can be very toxic as well. There have been many celebrities who quit social media because people all over the world would criticize them to the point that it disrupts one’s mental health.

However, Lady Diana was stronger than the internet. The fact that she didn’t commit suicide or treat others badly after being treated horribly for most of her life showed the Wonder Woman inside of her. If she was able to withstand this, she can take on the internet anytime to fight what she believes in.

So, yes, even in this world that has full of jealousy and hatred day by day, she’d gladly fight them. I still believe that she’d open a few social media accounts and speak her mind about kindness as she had always been doing before the internet days. She’d speak about kindness, probably have a little fun as well with the internet memes, she’ll never go silent.

“She won’t go quietly, that’s the problem. I’ll fight to the end, because I believe that I have a role to fulfil.” — Lady Diana, during an interview.

2) Mental Health Awareness

Most celebrities are vocal about this since their movies affect their public appearance as well, and the criticism also affects their mental health. Some even quit social media because of that, especially the actors involved in Star Wars such as Daisy Ridley and Kelly Marie Tran who quit Instagram due to the constant bullies.

For Lady Diana herself, she too was in a similar situation. She was mentally abused and was trying to keep it together, and the press wasn’t giving her any help when they kept snapping pictures or videotaping her wherever she went.

But knowing her courage and bravery, I don’t think that will stop her from staying on social media.

As more and more people are getting prone to mental illness, especially young adults, Lady Diana would most probably talk a lot about mental health. She would bring all the psychologist she knew or heard of to talk about how important it is to take care of our mental health on social media.

After all, she too had been through such pain on enduring her own sanity on her own. I believe she wouldn’t want anyone to go through the same pain that she did at a very young age.

And if she does this, the young generations would’ve loved her even more. She’d have millions of followers, and perhaps, since Millennials are the ones most found in social media, and we too would’ve loved her the way people before us loved her.

3) Open A Charity Foundation

During her time, she visited hospitals and had done many charity works. It gave her so much joy and happiness when she cared for others.

Today, if she were to be alive today, she’d probably open her own foundation to help fund charities. She visited many of them, so I think she’d be a channel to find donations for all the charities around the world.

Since she is the Princess of Hearts, I’m willing to bet that there will be many people who would join her cause. Many have seen what she had done for others, so they trust her enough that her vision of helping people will come true and most would volunteer for her mission.

Best of all, since she knows a lot of famous people, I think she’d get a lot of free marketing campaign from them. After all, they too trusted her very much and most knew her personally, especially Elton John. I think he’d gladly create a concert that can promote her vision or some sort like that. And Bill Gates would give huge donations for her.

Those were my guesses

I could be wrong, but from hearing and seeing stories about her, this would what she’d probably do for us. For the world.

I would've loved to meet her. There are so many things I’d love to ask her, I want to know how she stayed strong and raising two children on her own. How was she able to keep her sanity?

I think she’d tell us, Millennials, to be strong, brave, and humble. The world can be frustrating at times, but we cannot allow it to do harm to others. And lastly, she’d tell us to do what makes us happy.

That’s my guess. One can only guess, but as someone who only heard her from stories, I think we all would’ve loved her the same way our parents and grandparents before us did.

