What Do You Expect? The Power of High Expectations

Eze Onukwube
Live Your Life On Purpose
9 min readOct 30, 2019


Why expectations are so important to self-actualization

Why is having high expectations so important to reaching goals and accomplishing dreams? I mean, couldn’t we just put our heads down and work toward an objective without an inflated sense of whether it’s going to work out or not?

Besides, with expectations comes the possibility of being let down, being heartbroken when we or someone fails to reach the desired goal. It reminds me of the cynic who declared this “ninth beatitude,” hopefully tongue in cheek:

“Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed” — Alexander Pope

It is probably safer to temper expectations than harbor them. It is much easier to shield ourselves from the wrenching blow of seeing our expectations crushed to smithereens. I’m experienced my fair share of letdowns and disappointment from unrealized ambition, and this much I know: when a beautiful flame dies, smoke tends to get into your eyes.

Based on the uncertainties of life, how do we build a consistent outlook of high expectations? How can we maintain a pattern of expectations not based on delusions, but anchored on confidence in our abilities, and in life to reward our effort?



Eze Onukwube
Live Your Life On Purpose

Eze is a writer, software engineer and life enthusiast. Follow me on Twitter: @EzeOnukwube