What Do You Want to Do When You Got 1M Dollars?

Don’t ask me. TBH, I don’t know.

Ihsan Rizky
Live Your Life On Purpose


Last night, my friend and I played the truth or dares card game. It’s my turn, I choose truth because I am too lazy to do something.

Then the card says

What do you want to do when you got a million Dollars?

I said, “Well, I will save money!

She laughed at me.

“You must be kidding me! Are you sure you will save them all?” she asked.

“Yes, I am serious,” I answered.

“But, of course, you need the money, right? Why don’t you use it?” She asked again.

“Yes, being rich is my goal. Hmm, maybe I will use it for...”

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Study more.

I can learn anything I want. I can read as many books as I want. Also, I can study everywhere.

I love to learn new things, like new cultures, new languages, and new skills. So, that’s where I used up my money.

Besides, this knowledge also can be a service if I use it as a business.



Ihsan Rizky
Live Your Life On Purpose

Media enthusiast, content creator, writer, and filmmaker. — I love to expose my secret as long as it can make you better. Check all my secret on articles below!