Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash

What Have You Done For Yourself Today?

Zoe Lee
Live Your Life On Purpose


In this age of uber-connectivity, where productivity hacks promise to get you doing more work in less time, things to simply bring happiness are often pushed by the wayside.

However, with the quarantine, and the ample free time offered by staying at home more often, this can create both a sense of relief to get things done, as well as anxiety. (Even as restrictions and closures start to lift, most of us, myself included, aren’t going entirely back to normal life yet.)

You can often feel guilty, unproductive, or as if you are wasting the precious gift of time. I know that I have, as a recently graduated college student who never used to have my to-do list go to zero. When, at the end of the night, I have no further tasks to do for the next day, I either worked myself very hard, or I forgot something!

Now in the quarantine, post-graduation, with nothing I have to do some days except prep for my move to grad school (Boulder, here I come!), I find my days have a lot more free time than I’m used to, and I don’t like the unending stretch of days and everything it represents. Binging TV shows and catching up on video games can only go so far for me, I have to create!

For those people who may have trouble thinking of something to do during that rare off time, here’s a list of possibilities that almost anyone…



Zoe Lee
Live Your Life On Purpose

I wear many hats: mechanical/space engineer, friend, traveler, artist, writer & philosopher. Find some of my travel stories at!