What I Believe

Fern Weis
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readDec 25, 2020


Image by myphotojourneys from Pixabay

In building a business they say to ‘create a movement’. Having a movement, a mission means that the people who share your beliefs will follow and support you. So I asked myself the question: What do I believe? What do I believe that is woven into my very being that I want to share with you?

  • I believe that your family is where the most important learning takes place; that you would do anything to see your children thrive and be happy; that sometimes fear makes you do crazy things, and you don’t want to be scared anymore.
  • I believe that we’re all in this together; that you know more than you think you do about raising your kids; that every one of us is here to make a positive difference; that every person has a “unique potential” (thank you, Hyde School) — only it takes time, effort, risk, failure, resilience, and trust to figure it out.
  • I believe that you have to take a stand if you’re going to accomplish anything; that you’re not meant to do any of this alone.
  • I believe that your kids love you more than you know, even when they say, “I hate you”; that your parents loved you more than you know, especially when they said “no”.
  • I believe that you have answers. What you need is courage and support to follow through… because taking the tough decisions is… well, it’s tough.



Fern Weis
Live Your Life On Purpose

Hoping my life and parenting journey helps you on yours. Parent Coach, Family Recovery Coach, aspiring writer. www.fernweis.com