What Keeps You from Doing What You Were Born to Do?

Neba Silvia
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readApr 10, 2020


Admitting you were born to do something is foremost. It shows you’ve gotten to a point of self-identification. However, knowing who you are do not translate to doing what you were born to do. You might know exactly what you are capable of doing, how important it will be in the lives of others, be willing to do it, yet do nothing about it. So this big question comes to mind: what keeps you from doing what you were born to do?

I’ll like to state that what you’re born to do (your purpose) is not synonymous with your job. For some people, the two may be the same, while for others it may not. Regardless, there is always a means for balance between the two.

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” Proverbs 12:11

Your job gives you a source of living, it fends for your needs on earth. While, your purpose gives you fulfillment; it benefits a particular people, area, community, or the whole world for the glory of God.

From my experience, 2 reasons stop us from doing what we are born to do (Fear and lack of direction). For some people, it’s both reasons, while for others it’s either one.


Fear is a force from within that makes us seem weak and powerless. When it takes full control over us, we become defeated and surrender. As I said, it makes us SEEM weak and powerless, meaning it’s not real, but an illusion whose level of influence on us can be controlled by us. This fear can come in different forms (Self-doubt, Worry, Procrastination…). Its occurrence is likely, but the good news is, we can use our fears as a driving force.

Lack of Direction

In some cases, you may be ready and willing to start, but you feel lost. You don’t know exactly where to start, how to start or the route to follow. I know because I’ve been in this situation before. You have everything burning deep inside, and all you want is the means to let it out. The words of Mathew 7:7 tells us what to do in a time like this:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

From my experience, you need to have Faith, and start no matter how blurry the journey may seem. It only gets clearer when you look back and see how far you’ve been able to go. I use the words of Mathew 7:7 as a tool to lead me in my path. As someone who is reserved, I tend to seek more. I would spend my time online looking for how to go about or the right opportunities to use. So use whichever way you’re good at — Asking; Seeking; Knocking; but try not to ignore anyone completely, for they all work in our favor.

Doing what you are born to do is a daily process, so every little action you take counts, and draws you one step forward. Don’t overthink it, start today with the most basic aspects of your everyday life while having Faith in God; He will see you through.



Neba Silvia
Live Your Life On Purpose

Easily inspired. I love to share my inspirations in writing.