What We Are Enjoying

Coping with isolation by any means possible

Penny Zang
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readApr 11, 2020


I’ve lost track of what week of quarantine we’re in, but I do know that I haven’t written at all during this isolation period — until now. At first I worried about my lack of productivity. Then I got frustrated by seeing so many articles about the pandemic. Like many others, I started cycling through all the stages of grief. I’m still in that process.

Some things have helped, however. Slowly, I think that many of us are learning ways to cope and adjust. These methods range from the extremely creative to quiet meditation.

Little things make a big difference in the gaps of the day, those times when I might have talked to a friend or met someone for coffee when I might have lingered in the grocery store aisles or gone to the gym. Granted, I do not have infinite free time right now; I am teaching (online, of course) and homeschooling while my husband works at the hospital.

As I ask around and watch what people are posting online, here are the things I have noticed that we are collectively enjoying in this very weird and tragic historical moment.


A recent episode of the podcast The Thoughtful Counselor talks about “The Philosophy of Humor.” Dr. Steven Gimbel says, “When you share a joke with someone…



Penny Zang
Live Your Life On Purpose

English professor in SC and book nerd. Debut novel: Doll Parts, forthcoming from Sourcebooks, 2025.