What’s at the Top of Your Mountain and How Are You Gonna Get There?

You can reach your dreams, but only with purpose and planning

Dawn Bevier
Live Your Life On Purpose


Image by StockSnap on Pixabay

Mountains have long been a symbol of struggle and hardship. And they are a bittersweet metaphor for those of us looking to accomplish our dreams.

For example, we look at the peaks and imagine how majestic it must be to reach the top of these breathtaking constructions of nature. How powerful and triumphant it must feel to be so close to heaven and look down at others trudging along the almost invisible road below, like ants doomed to never feel the stunning brightness of the blue sky and the warming heat of the sun that we do at the summit of these glorious structures.

But then our imagination is replaced with reality, and we understand our present position in life. We realize with sadness that we are the ants, and the craggy, jagged rocks and intimidating nature of the climb have subdued us into complacency, into a self-supported delusion that we are happy just crawling along. We convince ourselves that we are unequipped to scale the heights that will get us to that zenith of which we fantasize.

After all, we’ve lived our whole lives telling ourselves that we are not strong enough to endure the fear, struggle, and exertion we must face getting to the…

