When Crisis Comes

The Mis-Use of Resilience

Liz Garrett
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

There’s something else needing to be said.

During this pandemic crisis, I’ve seen resilience twisted and used as a weapon against others in three ways: Shaming, Shoulding, and Misappropriation. These three forms of resilience abuse are related and interconnected.

This was evident as employees shifted quickly to working from home. Mostly without missing a beat, they set up home work-spaces, communications, and technology.

Concurrently, many experienced additional stresses as their loved ones struggled with change and potential illness. At a time when the five types of personal energy needed to be restored and preserved, it was tapped to continue the mission of their work.

When they experienced weariness or unclear thinking, they wondered what was wrong with them. When deadlines loomed, they quietly worked into the nights and weekends. Few had conversations about revising expectations under the circumstances.

Workers felt they “should” be able to handle this. They suffered in silence to avoid shame and judgment. Employers saw results and didn’t hit the pause button to redefine the mission, regroup around needs, and reassign resources.

Here’s the thing…Any of us could be guilty of any of these, especially during times of…



Liz Garrett
Live Your Life On Purpose

Exploring whole-being well-being in the workplace. Sharing fun and free resources at www.LizGarrett.com