Why I Listen to Robbie Williams Every Morning

How “Love My Life” Became My Anthem.

Charlotte Ford
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readNov 24, 2020


Over the past decade, scientific research into music has led to the conclusion that the right music at the right time can seriously impact our emotions, actions, and pattern of thinking. Music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain, it improves the quality of our sleep, our mental awareness, and even our memory. But how can we consciously use such a tool to our advantage?

At the beginning of October, I moved to Lagos, Portugal, and in doing so I decided to alter my morning routine to bring about a fresh new beginning each day. So, every morning for the last 6 weeks I’ve listened to “Love My Life” by Robbie Williams. And I can honestly say, I’m a happier person.

Listening to upbeat music in the morning may be a little bit of a catch-22 scenario. If you’re suffering from a mental illness or you strongly believe you’re not a “morning person” then you’re unlikely to listen to music in the morning. So maybe it isn’t the song or the upbeat tune that gets people in a good mood, maybe it’s just the way they’re wired. And this can totally be the case, but there is some scientific evidence to suggest otherwise.

The Science

According to a recent study, participants who listen to a song with an upbeat tone in the morning were twice as likely to volunteer to speak first in a debate compared to those who listened to low-key music or no music at all. This suggests that listening to the right music in the morning can lead you to feel more confident in yourself and your abilities.

In my case, from day 1 of my existence, I knew I wasn’t a “morning person”. I would plan my entire day based on the fact that I needed to go to bed early so I could wake up late. My day generally didn’t start until about 11 and if it ever started earlier, then I would need at least a 2-hour nap to compensate.

And now? Well, I still don’t think I’m a morning person, and I still like to have my naps, but I’ll get out of the shower and continue singing (something I’m quite honestly terrible at), I’ll have a little dance in the bedroom and then leap downstairs for some breakfast. Thanks to Robbie’s song, my mood and confidence are already more elated than before, and more often than not, I have a strong positive attitude for the rest of the day.

Another conclusion drawn from the study is that people who listen to the right music in the morning are also more likely to feel in control of their day.

The researchers found that when participants were asked to roll a number on a die, 86% wanted to roll the die themselves as opposed to letting the researcher roll it for them. This simple act suggested that the participants who listened to the upbeat music felt they may be able to control the outcome of the event.

It’s hard for me to pinpoint if I feel more control in my life due to music but I do feel more certain of my decisions and actions than I did in the past. So who knows, maybe it is because of good old Robbie Williams.

Alex Blâjan // Unsplash

The Takeaway

So what’s classified as the “right music”? So far we know that songs with an upbeat tone and a heavy bass are more likely to make you feel confident, powerful, and in control. But another striking importance of the music we choose to listen to is the lyrics.

In Robbie’s “I Love My Life” I’m constantly reminded of all the good things happening to me whilst I sing the song. I think about the reasons I truly love my life, and I can’t help but be filled with joy and positivity every morning.

I am powerful, I am beautiful, I am free.

As someone who doesn’t consider themselves confident, telling myself every morning that I am, has almost tricked me into thinking that this truly is the case. So, not only am I subconsciously being affected due to the beat of the song, but I’m also reaffirming it with the lyrics themselves.

And what's even more amazing, is that this impact has a long-lasting effect. It’s not just during the song that affects me, but its powerful beat and moving lyrics continue to resonate with me throughout the day.

Our music taste is important, it can have a profound effect on our life. So why not try and listen to more upbeat music? Start your morning with Robbie and I guarantee there’ll be a difference.

What songs do you listen to in the morning?

P.S. Robbie, if you’re reading this, please perform in Lagos, Portugal — I love my life and you.

Thanks for reading x


Jacobs, T. (2014). Want to Feel Powerful? Pump Up the Music. Pacific Standard.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2020). Keep Your Brain Young With Music. Retrieved from Johns Hopkins Medicine: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/keep-your-brain-young-with-music#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIf%20you%20want%20to%20keep,%2C%20mental%20alertness%2C%20and%20memory.

Lindzon, J. (2014). Science Reveals an Awesome Thing That Happens In Your Brain When You Turn Up the Volume. Mic.

Sloan, J. T. (2014). Science Shows What Music to Listen to at Every Moment of the Day. Mic.



Charlotte Ford
Live Your Life On Purpose

just some thoughts lost in a thunderstorm, trying to find some direction.