Why It’s Absolutely Okay To Be Rejected

Have you ever felt of living on something you can’t have?

Aeril Trinidad
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readJul 15, 2020


Do you ever get that feeling of we’re not good enough for someone or something? Well, there was a time in our lives, we often received a ton of rejections.

Rejections for written articles (“This doesn’t meet our expectations. Thank you for the time and effort you spent on submitting your piece.”). Rejections for employment interviews (“You’re extremely gifted and seems like a one of a kind employee, but we’ve agreed on hiring someone else.”). Rejections for personal relationships (“You’re a charming guy, Aeril…, and I like you as a friend, so…”).

We always like to be treasured—it’s the truth. An impression of attaching to something greater than ourselves. Yet, sometimes the things we hope to achieve in life don’t happen the way we expect, no matter how hard we strive or perform our roles.

Rejection can be vicious. As we thrive through the prime of life, it seems that hardships become even more arduous in different aspects of our lives, professionally and socially.

In fact, we don’t like hearing something that makes us feel not to be accepted. We want opportunities to be open so that, we can showcase what capability we have and we always want our endeavors to be worth it. And when that doesn’t happen, it can make you feel unwanted, furious, lonely, and even jealous.

However, even though it’s miserable, rejection can certainly become a privilege. Being rejected can gather solidity and enable you to develop and apply the lectures you learn to future obstacles. Still, to accumulate these privileges, you have to deal with rejection in the proper method.

Everyone will encounter rejection sooner or later, whether they admit it or not. It is typically a part of our lives and it can result in trauma that may be difficult to cope with than others. But, will you let rejection hold you back from fulfilling what you’ve been hungering to hope for? Are you going to abandon all the things you’ve worked hard just because of what you’ve been through?

So, here are some reasons why it is absolutely okay to be rejected:

Being rejected enlightens us to strive more

Photo by Patrick Connor Klopf on Unsplash

There was a moment in our lives, we’re ready to leave behind the jobs, relationships, and even written pieces that had been rejected.

However, looking at the bright side rejection can certainly encourage you by educating yourself to be patient and keep shoving.

You may not get what you want immediately, but if you’re willing to endure that pain, dedicate to work harder, and be patient, you will eventually find yourself beyond what were you expecting.

Being rejected is a chance to isolate yourself for the better

Sometimes, rejection can be an open door for us to rebuild ourselves. If you’re willing to look, you can see that in every dilemma consists of an opportunity. A chance that makes us look at rejection as a stage of progress.

When you discover it, you appreciate that all of your difficulties can help guide you through the other attainments of your life. It’s not wrong to let go of the fear of being left out and isolate yourself. Because it is one of the main reasons to find yourself in a better place.

Being rejected means you’re trying regardless of the consequences

Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

Getting rejected means you’re providing an effort no matter how the outcome, at least you did your part.

Well, let’s say you might fail, but the worst part is you’re afraid and would never be making that attempt.

Yeah, I know it’s hard but do you have the guts on taking any risks?

Yet, when we let our fear dominate us, we’ll lose a chance on all of the opportunities we can procure with pursuing different things.

Being rejected carves us to be tougher

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot, and hang on.” — Franklin Roosevelt.

It is a saying that always encourages me. To keep fighting whenever I knock to the ground. Getting refused will make us even stronger to pick ourselves up every time we tumble and prove that we’re not inadequate. Rejection will cultivate us by indicating how formidable, ingenious, and worthy we are when the days are filled with darkness.

Final Notes

Try considering these tips as a chance for you to ripen and learn as an individual. The answer to conquering rejection is — we need to accept and understand that being rejected is a part of the process — A process that will point us in the right path. It’s all right to be discouraged because of such unforgettable experiences. But the most necessary thing to do is to continue in the pace of life and know what to do next in order to be good enough and worthy of our ambitions.

When you’re bothered to give up because of the rejection you underwent. Recall the times about all of the positive things that happened to you. Of what milestones you had achieved. And also to the people or loved ones that helped you to fulfill your longings.

You know life is a series of journeys, like a rollercoaster ride. It is full of ups and downs. But the most important is you enjoy that ride. Continue to keep pushing forward and be grateful for everything that you received.

You got one chance of your life, cherish every moment and live it to the fullest.



Aeril Trinidad
Live Your Life On Purpose

Inspiring people is my top priority | Student and Writer | Passionate about writing poetry, life-lessons and personal growth | Email: aeriltrinidad@gmail.com