Why Overthinking Screwed Me Over

And, how I am trying to fix it.

Alma Gonzalez
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readJul 2, 2018


Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash

I admit it.

I think a lot. I mean, a lot.

Sometimes my problems would have easily been solved if it was not for my obnoxious overthinking rituals.

And, being me, I manage to make even the smallest decisions one of the most complicated ones on earth.

Examples of my overthoughts:

It took me hours to decide if I wanted to pack one extra pair of shoes when I went traveling abroad. I realized i packed way too much when I was coming home and had no room to bring back that pair of shoes.

It honestly took me days to decide whether or not I needed to create an Instagram account for my freelancing or doing it from my personal page. After not giving an f***, I forced myself to do it, cause why not?

It took me weeks to decide whether writing was something I wanted to pursue. I had conversations with loved ones until they finally just said do it.

And the list goes on. And on.

I have to be honest, even writing the article is making me overthink each letter. Each word. Each punctuation. Each spacing.

I am doing the most. Or as the young people say, “You’re being extra.”

In the end, overthinking has honestly made things more complicated than they seem and has resulted in screwing me over in many ways over the years.

The Screwed Overthinker

Not trusting my gut

I guess the true reason to why I overthink a lot of my decisions come from a place of low confidence. I probably don’t trust my gut as much as I would like. I make myself believe that I cannot come up with a good decision on the first try and overcompensate it by overthinking.

In the end, overthinking becomes a vicious cycle of distrusting yourself.

And as I work on trusting my instinct, I have seen myself actually making decisions quicker than normal. Shocker!

Thinking instead of doing

I have come to realize that I have wasted more time thinking about coming up with the solution than actually solving the problem.

The more you think, the less you do.

The time I spent pondering on the idea of writing on Medium, I could have had more articles published within that time frame.

Reminisce about the past

For some reason, there is a deep issue of me accepting past decisions. I keep thinking about “What if I had done this instead” or “If only I had.”

I cannot let it go.

Maybe I need to sing with Elsa and just “Let It Go.”

Worry for the future

And do not get me started on the future. Overthinking about the future has stressed me out to the max.

When if I do not become as successful as I want to be?

When if I am truly unhappy with my life?

Jeez, just thinking about it gets my gears churning.

My Unscrewed Crappy Solution (that I will probably overthink about)

Stop thinking.

Haha. There I said it.

I need to stop worrying about everything from the past to the future and focus on the present.

I need to trust myself.

I need make decisions and DO them.

Question of the Day: If overthinking has been your biggest struggle, how have you dealt with it?

If you like what you’ve just read and resonates with you, please give this chick a clap or two or 50 (lol), comment, and follow me on Medium.

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Alma Gonzalez
Live Your Life On Purpose

23. The daytime Web Developer. The nighttime aspiring Writer/Blogger. Enjoy fitness, travel, hikes, food, photography, challenges, and sarcasm.