Image by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

Why we need to decide not to decide

Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readSep 3, 2019


When you’re angry, keep calm, don’t react quickly. When you think that you failed, keep still, don’t give up easily. The world is so vast to explore. And when they give you options, think deeply, don’t rush.

We often forget that relaxing our minds in confusing situations can lead to more peaceful thinking. Well, of course, we know this mistake but we always or oftentimes take it for granted. We tend to react right away on any emotions that we have in effect of what we had experienced without thinking of its consequences or rather if we benefit from it.

Lately, I felt devastated as if I lost myself due to some circumstances. My mind was jumbled, I can’t even think what to write, what to do and how to start all over again after ‘failing’ with what I thought my organized plan. I knew I still have options to fix the problem but it’s just the moment that I don’t feel like I am good.

I just didn’t have concentration at that moment. I needed to relax my mind as much as I could. And I knew, it’s never the end of the world for me. I said I failed with my plan but they said no, it wasn’t me and that made me feel better by the way. Sometimes, even if we did our best, chances are the luck is not for you or just think, maybe it wasn’t meant for you and there may be better things out there.

Think positively, convince yourself to believe that you are not alone with such an emotional situation. That experience doesn’t mean you are not good enough. They just tested you, you tested yourself as well and the outcome was, you became tougher, more clever and more challenged to pursue whatever your plans are. You just have to re-study your case and improve what you know is lacking. We always learn from our mistakes. Never quit.

In life, we need to be motivated not just by what we know but what we will know from the influence of our surroundings also, the people and all the things around us. Such experiences enable us to be more intelligible towards our next steps. The process must always be improving learning from all the pitfalls along the journey.

One of my mentors once told me it’s better to decide not to decide when the situation is still fresh. I thought of it deeply and surely, it is. On the day, you thought you had failed, just feel free to embrace the emotions associated with it. Everybody who is undergoing some difficulties or problems in life will normally have this emotional state.

Don’t think of any solutions to the problem right at the moment. It’s even better to take your alone time, and/or meditate. Wait. Cry if you need. It will surely subside afterward and you can think of a better way to address your situation with a relaxed mind.

Perhaps deciding while the fire is burning is not easy because of all the doubts that go with it. Never decide when you are in a vulnerable state. Through all the years of experiences and along with it, the challenges you have tackled, you should have learned from every mistake and every good thing that had happened to you. That way, it easier to exit from the feelings of being temporarily down.

It is always good to reminisce the things you’ve gone through that made you better. Motivate yourself just as you motivate others, it really works. Just keep on track how the world tries to teach you lessons from every experience you encountered. Learn from every good and bad thing on your journey, from failed and successful plans that you had. Decide on your next move, only when your mind is clear.

There is no easy thing in life but there is always a solution to any situation. It’s only a matter of life reminding us how to better ourselves in challenging circumstances. It’s even more interesting to deal in situations that you felt helpless.

The stronger you are, the better version you will become. Trust yourself. Every part of your journey is an added knowledge as you try to develop every aspect of your life. And think that every situation is trying to dress you up to be the best version which suits you.

Be willing to take risks and have confidence in every walk you follow.



Live Your Life On Purpose

Loves to write about life motivations,my personal&others' experiences; anything about nature under this vast blue but sometimes and/or not oftentimes cloudy sky