Why You Shouldn’t Read Book Reviews

You’re letting someone else control your knowledge

Tameem Rahman
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJun 15, 2020


Why, oh why do we read book reviews?

Why do we contaminate the purity of our decision with an irrelevant view?

It’s funny, really, how a couple of words can deter us from reading thousands, and in turn, deprive us of knowledge that could change our lives.

I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve been turned off by a book because of the reviews I read on them from others.

Recently, Sapiens (by Yuval Noah Harari) and Think Like A Freak (Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner) caught my attention. The first thing stupid me did was visit amazon and goodreads.com to read the reviews.

As I read more of the reviews, the excitement I once held slowly eroded into disappointment and doubt. Were these books as good as people said? Because apparently not:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with these reviews. In fact, I respect these gentlemen for trying to caution others with some personal insight.

Personally, I’ve always been more concerned with critical reviews because I have trust issues with the good ones. Like, what if they’re online bot reviews being used as a devious marketing ploy. (Am I the only one?)



Tameem Rahman
Live Your Life On Purpose

I run an agency doing search marketing for tech companies & lawyers | I write here for fun