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Everyone Is Different — Not Right Or Wrong, Good Or Bad.

Life Is Not “Either” Or “Or.”

Hardik Mangukiya
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readApr 25, 2019


Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. -Margaret Mead

A year ago, I attended the local seminar in our city. Speaker recounted an experience that transformed my life.

He was eating “Thepala” (Thepala is an Indian spicy bread and western people avoid it because it’s too spicy.) at the airport in Romania. Air hostess reached to him and demanded this new item, after taking one bite, she emptied one full bottle of water!

Author emphasized. “How was that? I am sorry if you dislike it.”

She replied. “No, no. it was distinctive.” author frustrated and asked with doubt. “How?” Romanian air hostess taught the most valuable lesson to him that turned my life.

She said. “If this bread is bad then it’s bad for everyone. No one relishes it, right? If it is good, everyone craves it, right? But, it’s neither bad because you prefer it, and nor good because I dislike it. So, it’s unique.”

I learned a most valuable lesson. I was deciding everyone or situation either bad or good, but everything is different.

Something you despise may be enjoyable, or something you savor may be harmful.

I received incredible lessons that turned my perspective about the world.

Life Is Not “Either” Or “Or.”

Incidents that occur to you are not good or bad, right or wrong, if or but, either or or, neither or nor, plus or minus, true or false or whatever you mark it.

Our mind is hardwired that life operates in one direction. It either this or that, the condition may not be into the midst.

Most circumstances are in the between, everyone has a plus-minus.

People are appropriate for you in a specific time and wrong for another time. They’re different.

The best life partner is not 24/7 friendly. He sucks and become bitter too.

He abuses and ignores you in the most fancied condition. He adores you like no one else and concerns for you. He is your world. However, He is different and unique.

A thriving business is not always productive. its product quality and strategy engulf too.

The ablest artist can be an alcoholic. Yes, they can sing or play exceptional. But, they have critical habits too.

We conclude everyone “either” or “or,” and neglect that life thoroughly best described in the middle, not high and low.

Everything Is Uniquely Formed.

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it. - Viktor E. Frankl

Every situation has unique circumstances, ways to reach, levels, factors, and barriers. It may gratify you or not.

You need a precise plan to manage your situations. No matter how much you read books or seek advice.

Generalizations are useful but not suitable for every situation.

You assume that everything happens for good, but that’s not correct in every point of life. “Live in the present moment” sucks in breakups.

You think that as he passed through the same condition as mine. Still, it may not work for you.

Extremes Are Not Manifesting Full Picture.

We judge life in one portion at a time.

Some people favor work is everything, and others consider relationships over goals. But they are entirely different and we need both.

Suppose you are starting a new business. You assumes this. “My idea is different, and if I could implement a strategic procedure, I will succeed.”

Unluckily, life doesn’t work in this way, you forget to assess the whole picture.

And if you ingest all the techniques you presumed, still you won’t get aspired results. This is how the process is unique, and you must hammer it again.

People or situations are incomparable, so, you must determine what satisfies you best without labeling.

Extraordinary life has two aspects.

Uniqueness and balance.

You Will Be Less Judgemental.

You can refine your work, relationships, and self instantly if you understand this perspective.

You comprehend people as they are. Suppose, if someone kicking you off means you are hurting her. You assess the world in a more fair way.

Someone may not get your point of view because he is different and has individual life experiences. He occupies different beliefs and culture.

“Either” or “or” mentality hinders your mind from seeing the conditions as they are.

I don’t interpret things in plus-minus because everyone has two sides. I only assess how these traits best suit my goals and how can I get most out of it.

I observed the writing process of , , Jon Morrow and . I have formulated my own because all methods lack one or another point for me. Yet, they are different.

And if someone gossips behind your back. Remember. They are different!

Let’s Be Honest About This.

We label people negatively because of fear or envy, or we evaluate them positively because of love and attraction.

We assume that he is the one because we influenced by those who are similar to us, comfort our pain problems, stir fears and encourages us to conquer scars.

We vote particular politicians because he conferred us the picture that we think it’s genuine.

Everything we see is not real, it’s just unique. Someone has 80% annoying habits, and someone has only 10% of his personality.

You distinguish situations how you observe it, we all influenced by half-baked truths.

Media and advertisements formulate a place in your brain and install positive judgments in subconscious mind. You are unaware that they are stimulating your emotional buttons.

But, How you can be real?

The answer is, by being less judgmental — not only for others but with yourself also.

If you don’t label, you perceive things without framed glasses.

You will allow people, not analyze.

You will love, not pissed them off.

You will overcome dangerous stressor because judgement creates false reality most of the time.

Let’s be honest even with yourself.

Because you can embrace anything in the world only through this way.



Hardik Mangukiya
Live Your Life On Purpose

Big believer in Positive Psychology, writing about productive and thriving life.