You Don’t Have to Be a Professional to Make a Difference

John Tuttle
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readAug 7, 2018

You’ll often see those posts on social media that try to promote the possitive people changing lives in the real world of today. Mother Teresa of Calcutta is an old but well-known example of what I’m talking about.

Through seemingly little acts of kindness and mercy, this woman gained the love of a nation as well as the the attention of the whole world. And this fame has continued long after she has left us.

It’s definitely an applaudable practice to let the world see the the better side of humanity. She did not know much about how to run a charity organization.

She really had little interest in that sort of thing. She was humble, knew her place, and had a burning desire to help where and when she could by practically any means.

Mother Teresa obviously made a difference. She received global news coverage numerous times during her own lifetime. And all she did was help people.

She often didn’t like what she saw, the way people treated other people, that is. She worked among the poorest of the poor in some of the most deplorable conditions known.

In some ways, she probably disliked some of the things she dealt with on a day-to-day basis, but we all have our own little annoyances we regularly have to encounter.

Mother Teresa just didn’t let these irritations stop her. Nothing really did. The humble work-worn woman achieved one of the secular world’s chief honors, the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

What could the world do if more of its stewards had the mentality and energy of Mother Teresa?

Well, for one thing, people would not have to go to social media to see how helpful and kind human beings can be, how caring each of us was born to be. This would be because the majority of people would think firstly of how to help people in whatever they need assistance with.

You don’t need a diploma to visit a nursing home or volunteer in a soup kitchen. In many cases, you don’t need to attend college to master your creative skills in order to inspire and uplift others through writing and the arts.

And perhaps most importantly, at the end of the day, those you helped, whether you met them in person or not, might remember what you did for them. You’ll stick out, be honored even, and end up inspiring yourself too. You do not need to be a professional in order to impress people and to be compassionate.

“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” — St. Teresa of Calcutta



John Tuttle
Live Your Life On Purpose

Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: