You Should Stop Searching for a Shortcut to Success. This Is Why

You can continue looking for tips and tricks. Or you can actually do something.

Anastasia Shch
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readApr 16, 2020


There is one thing about people that doesn’t cease to amaze me — they want to achieve things in life with as little effort as possible. I guess it’s in our nature? Unfortunately, things don’t work this way.

A huge number of articles on Medium will offer you a solution that can help you in a year, or month, or day, or even 5 minutes. There is a demand for this kind of story because people are looking for some secret, some trick that will help them solve their problems overnight.

“Bitter Truth” articles don’t perform so well. You know why? No one wants to hear that they need to take responsibility for their lives. No one wants to hear that they actually have to start doing something to see the results. No one wants to hear that they are the only person who can change their lives.

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. — Eleanor Roosevelt

Online space dazzles with a variety of success stories that highlight wins and accomplishments. The details of how long it took, how much effort was put into it, are usually either carefully concealed or barely mentioned.

We are used to seeing success and completely ignoring the process that brought those people to the point. Normally the road to success is not linear.

Call me naive but I believe in people and their potential. I saw it in myself and see it in the others. When you want something with your whole heart there is literally no stopping you. 99% of people don’t use even half of their potential. The other 1%? You read about them in the news.

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. — Jules Renard

Photo by David Gavi on Unsplash

If my writing will help only one person to take a small step towards their dream — I will know that I haven’t wasted my time. But no matter how many insights and pieces of advice I share, I won’t be able to force you to do it.

You and only you are the people who can transform your own life. The other people can provide you with tools, ideas, empowerment, but unless you are ready to walk to the walk — don’t blame anyone else for things not happening for you.

No matter how many books you read, educational seminars you attend, motivational videos you watch or inspiring podcasts you listen, it won’t replace doing ACTUAL WORK. You can’t skip this part.

Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but only action truly brings you closer to your dreams. — Brad Sugars

What if you don’t want any change in your life? That’s absolutely fine too. Live your truth, be happy and kind and I would say that you will be doing better than most of us ever will. Knowing that you are enough and your life is enough is great too.

Any change in life starts with the moment when you decide to take responsibility for your life and start making steps towards your goals, no matter how small they are.

The sooner you realize that the only shortcut to success there can be is your own decision to go after your dreams, the sooner you will see the results. Use your knowledge, use all advice and information you can gather, but please, please, please put it to work. And see good things happen.



Anastasia Shch
Live Your Life On Purpose

Experience Strategist & Maker • Innovation, creativity & entrepreneurship •