Picture of the author pointing with both index fingers at each of his temples.
Image Courtesy of the Author


Your Success is a State of Mind

It’s a lot simpler than you thought

Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readFeb 10, 2021


Ever wonder why some people just seem to be more successful than others? You’ve seen them, I’m sure. You may even be thinking of someone you know like this, right now. They’re the ones who seem to have that “natural” leadership following. And for some reason, they seem to be pretty comfortable with it as well.

If you look carefully at most successful people across the broad spectrum, you’ll find there are a lot of commonalities that exist among them. These are the people who just seem to have discovered a way to balance the three overarching aspects of life — body, mind, and spirit.

A long paved path through the woods.
Image Courtesy of UniqueDesign52 of Pixabay

In my quest to figure out my own path to success, I’ve discovered six basic truths that are common to most successful people.

Having applied these principles in my own life has enhanced my businesses and improved the quality of my life as well.

These six truths are not all-inclusive of what’s to be understood as the cornerstone of the knowledge and wisdom of mankind. They’re merely offered for you to…



Gary Westfal
Live Your Life On Purpose

Medium Publisher: G-Life! Magazine | 📚Best-Selling Author | 🎙️ Podcaster|🎨 Artist| ✈️ Air Traffic Controller |🍷 Wine Aficionado|🛦USAF Vet| garywestfal.com