The Crypto Social Media Site “Belacam” Hits 250,000 Users

Tyler Marx
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2019

One year ago, we launched with the original intention of becoming the “Instagram of Cryptocurrency.” Since then, Belacam has grown into a leading earning platform for impoverished communities, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, and everyday smartphone users.

250,000 users from around the world use Belacam to earn extra money in a fun, social setting. When content they post gets popular, they instantly and fairly get rewarded via the BELA token, which is a cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin.

From Humble Beginnings

At age 18, I launched a small test version of Belacam from my dorm at the University of Virginia before going to bed. When I woke up the next morning, 800 people had created accounts, posted photos, and earned money on the site. Every one of us involved — from the team who build Belacam to the people who used it—was astonished at the ability for money to move so seamlessly in a social setting. A few likes on a post meant the user received $.25 instantly and with no fees. The earnings add up quite nicely if people posted multiple times.

Inspired by the initial success, we worked to transform Belacam into a finished product that could draw mainstream adoption. The next year’s focus was nearly entirely on development. The 800 testers grew to 3,500 users who all gave us very valuable feedback, which turned into new and improved features every week. We also remained self-funded until July 2018, when we raised a $150,000 angel investment from Mark Galant, the founder of

The Past Year — Full of Growth

On July 20th, 2018, we relaunched our final product of Belacam to the world via the Belacam website. In December, we launched the Belacam Android App, and the iPhone app will release in the next month or two. Thanks to constant development, site improvements, and a killer referral program, Belacam has grown exponentially over the past few months.

Belacam Growth Through the First Part of 2019

In May, we posted our first profitable month as a company. It’s an inspiring milestone that gives us a clear path forward in scaling up. At this early stage, profit is still fully reinvested back into the company so we can continue to take online earning to the masses.

The Next Year — From 250,000 to Millions

Our focus is now on finishing up and expanding the mobile apps, growing our revenue, and bringing the BELA token to new exchanges. The improvements we make over the next year will take Belacam and online earning to the masses.

