The Simple Productivity Hack That I Discovered During a Pandemic

Could this be a cure for procrastination?

Linda Guest
Lived Wisdom


Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

The coronavirus pandemic has been devastating for many of us. From the health implications through to the economic fallout and the impact on our social contact, it has changed many aspects of our daily lives.

But for me, it brought with it a realisation that has impacted on my productivity. Now that the world is hopefully beginning to return to a bit of normality, I am still reaping the benefits from this realisation.

Now, I would like to share it with you.

First of all, I would like to be completely honest. This theory is one I have formulated myself. I have not read it in any time management books. Ironically, until I formulated this technique, I could never make time to read such a book.

Equally, there are no scientific studies on it, as it is just a theory formulated in a mind of a bored individual who was locked in her house during a global pandemic.

My new productivity technique has had an insanely positive impact on my life. It has almost eradicated my inclination to procrastinate and I’m seriously considering cancelling my Netflix subscription.



Linda Guest
Lived Wisdom

I specialise in ghostwriting but write here as myself. I am interested in education, social justice and the human condition.