What Makes LiveEdu Unique Compared to Other Professional Development Sites?

Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem
2 min readOct 31, 2017

In this article, we’ll take a look at what makes LiveEdu unique when compared to other professional development sites.

LiveEdu does NOT compete directly with existing professional development platforms as we are focused on practical projects (project learning) and users who have passed the beginner stage (post-beginners, intermediates, experts).

LiveEdu focuses on the intermediate to expert educational levels, while other existing professional development sites are focused primarily on beginners. We address the main reason people start learning new skills: building a product.

We don’t see Coursera, Udemy or Udacity as competitors; but as potential partners to work with. We see them as customers and distribution partners and plan to syndicate our content to them via our API. Those sites are great for beginners to learn theory and introductory topics. LiveEdu does not provide this, but emphasizes teaching people, who are above the level of these sites, how to build a complete product, e.g a VR Game, an AI Bot, a Bitcoin auto-trader. You could think of Coursera, Udemy and Udacity as kindergarten and LiveEdu as high school.

Compared to the indirect competitors Lynda, Pluralsight and Udemy:

  • Indirect Indirect competitors have high expensive content production costs while it costs LiveEdu less than $500 to create a complete project.
  • Project production speed on LiveEdu is faster (< 1 month).
  • LiveEdu uses only project learning.
  • Real practical projects. Real production level work.
  • You can learn how to build a complete product.
  • Interactive Q&A chat to discuss things in real time.
  • LiveEdu is a decentralized peer-to-peer platform which gives it access to a bigger content creator pool.
  • LiveEdu is flexible and can create projects on new emerging technologies faster.



Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a decentralized project-based learning platform that teaches people how to build tech products, https://www.educationecosystem.com