2018 | Year in Review & Trends in Medical Lab Industry

2018 was the biggest year for LiveHealth till date, we doubled our entire customer base by on-boarding 440 customers in 2018, more than last 4years combined.

LiveHealth for Diagnostics
4 min readJan 22, 2019


Digital Adoption by Labs & Diagnostic Centres

In 2018 we finished the year with a total of 2,211 locations and 801 processing centres spanning over 20+ countries. Below is an infographic to illustrate the adoption by labs & diagnostic centres worldwide.

LiveHealth for Diagnostics— 2018 growth in numbers

Adoption of technology is going to be pivotal for healthcare industry’s fast paced growth in the coming years, without which scaling would become not only expensive but also inefficient and prone to errors.

Our goal, at LiveHealth, is to build reliable & scalable solutions and ensure end-to-end adoption of products and provide long term support.

About 3,471+ technicians use LiveHealth daily for managing their everyday lab operations, processing, reporting, and thousands of business owners use it for overseeing business & finance.

This year we recorded 6M transactions worth ₹4,407,543,650 with over 100% increase since last year and saved ₹2,788,581 in just the printing costs.

Doctors & Physicians

Adoption is not just limited to laboratories, but also extends to consultants & physicians. Over 282,762 physicians & consultants are managed on the platform online, where digital reports are delivered instantly on the LiveHealth for Doctors Mobile App or on their email.


Corporates & Business organisations are the quickest to adopt digital technology in healthcare with more than 61% of 14,590 organisations & institutions managed digitally. Organisations adopting the platform means the digitisation happens right from the point of sale to delivery of reports. Complete process digitisation ensures integrity of information & faster turn arounds.


Last year we committed towards automation of our customers’ processes as one of the key goals for 2018. We are proud to share, we have interfaced 815 lab instruments in total, saving avg. of 61 mins per report for 3,813,754 reports, completely automating more than 25% of the total volume of tests on the platform.

Automation also extends to QC, validations & reports authorisations for select centres.

Digital Healthcare Adoption by Patients

Adoption value chain is incomplete without patients finally getting the value out of the healthcare digitisation.

LiveHealth— 2018 growth in numbers

In 2018, we delivered 16 Million Reports to 5 Million Patients registered

We saw active adoption from patients across India. For more than 1 Million+ reports viewed online, we paid ₹3,290,665 to labs as online payments on the platform. Patients also actively participated by giving feedback and sharing appreciation for instant report access. We delivered 24,961 patient feedback to about 100+ laboratories & diagnostic centres.

Most common comments for 5 star feedback were speedy report delivery, mobile apps and friendliness of staff, which emphasises the value of quality customer experience and convenience — the major differentiating factors.

Trends & Insights in the Lab Industry

With more than 1% of the total industry’s tests transactions managed in the LiveHealth system, we are sharing some of the noticeable industry trends.

Frequently performed Tests by Demographic

Top 10 tests constituted for 48% of the total volume of test in the industry. With Blood glucose at the top with 12% share of tests, followed by Complete Blood Count at 11%.

We noticed Thyroid Tests (T3, T4, TSH) in women done 3 times more than in men.

LiveHealth — Lab Trends by Demographic

Test trends by Age

While Thyroid Tests (T3, T4, TSH), were evidently the most common tests performed in the age group 13–30, we noticed drastic increase in glucose tests after the age of 30.

For the age group 3 -18 years, tests for Malaria & Test for liver damage (SGPT) were seen in reasonable volumes.

LiveHealth — Lab Trends by Age Demographic

We, at LiveHealth, would like to thank you all for your support & appreciation while we continue on our journey to build superior products that improve quality of healthcare and impact everyday lives of people.

May the year 2019 bring us closer to our individual dreams than ever before.



LiveHealth for Diagnostics

Thinker. Engineer. Problem Solver. Trying to be a Leader. Co-Founder & CEO @LiveHealth_