2019 | Year in review

Look back at 2019 for LiveHealth & some trends that engaged more providers from various cities across the globe.

LiveHealth for Diagnostics
4 min readFeb 5, 2020


2019 was the year of stability & focus for LiveHealth. We added over 600 customers, across 25 Countries. Expanded our support for Oncology workflows, redesigned our reporting experience for Doctors & Technical staff, improved our automation capability & lots of performance improvements to deliver that seamless experience.

LiveHealth for Diagnostics customers across the Globe

Last year at LiveHealth we delivered more than 27M Lab & Diagnostics Reports to 8.5M Patients worldwide digitally, getting us a step closer towards our vision of democratising healthcare information & access, making us the single largest B2B healthcare platform.

Growth chart of Total Reports Delivered & Total Processing Centres 2014–2019

About 228,234 Healthcare Practitioners accessed the platform over 500+ cities world wide. Last year we recorded 11M transactions worth $107M with over 100% increase since last year.

Doctors & Physicians

Over 34,485 unique physicians & consultants were transacted with in 2019. The platform enabled instant access to reports when ready, and critical call out to physicians in case of critical results. Of which 4,375 doctors used online logins provided by Labs to access reports online.


A total of 58,344 Corporates, Insurance Companies, TPAs, Hospitals transacted, of which 7,200 transacted completely online.

Organisations transacting online on the platform means the digitisation happens right from the point of sale to delivery of reports.


With continued commitment towards automation of our customers’ processes as one of the key goals for 2019.

More than 30% of total reports were generated automatically without human intervention and human data entry, directly from Lab Instruments or Analysers. Saving labs, doctors more than 60 mins per sample.

**Automation also extends to QC, validations & reports authorisations for select centres.

New Features and Software Upgrades

We launched LiveHealth PACS extending our core value proposition for Radiology, bringing in cloud Radiology Reporting with scans attached to reports & shared with consulting doctors & patients right away.

We focused on basics & redesigned the entire experience from ground up, making the current systems more powerful, yet simple to use. Our upgrades make significant improvements in system compliance in healthcare, especially for very large sized labs & diagnostic centres. Our now support ICD codes & insurance integrations in 3 countries. For some countries we extend support for registering & searching patients using biometric finger-print scans.

Software Highlights of 2019

Additionally, we build an intelligent classifier which would classify patients on criticality based on their current reports, clinical history & past history. This classification would soon extend to partners on consent (B2B, Aggregators, insurances, apps, etc.) where they would be indicative information about patients' health.


For delivering seamless patient experience we work with many partners, 3rd Party apps, & aggregators to ensure seamless interoperability of healthcare information.

Our goal is to see all the benefits passed to the patients at the end of the value chain. We have served a total of 8.5M Patients till-date of which about 754,000 patients visited again to transact online. Of which 400,160 Patients repeated the same test in the year.

LiveHealth-2019 Trends of Patients using the platform

But by far the best highlight for laboratories & diagnostic centres was, about 39,202 patient feedbacks that we delivered, the average rating maintained was 4.4/5 and Outstanding Service from labs, Timely report delivery and Mobile Reports were the most common responses to why people rated high.

Patient’s most common feedback for labs & diagnostic centres

About 30% of the reports were delivered via partner healthcare platforms, now extending the overall eco-system to 60+ partners.

We aim to keep pushing our boundaries to serve our customers with our mission to empower customers to make better decisions through easy access of information.

