Livehealth LIMS 2.7

LiveHealth for Diagnostics
5 min readDec 19, 2014


We have been working on this update since last month. We are happy to announce our new update which you must be already using by now. We bring lot of upgrades, both free and premium, and performance improvements to our platform in this version.

Activity Log — Premium

We have a new feature, Activity Log. We keep track of every logged in user’s activity. The admin gets an interface where he can select the activity and track changes.

This is a premium feature, which means centres who haven’t subscribed to this feature, will have to upgrade their plan to use this feature.

Free Upgrades

Report Format Related Upgrades

Report format upgrades are available to everyone.

Age Related Reference Ranges

Now you can add reference ranges that vary with age as well as gender of the patient. Unlike most of the softwares, our age range is completely customisable right up to number of days. So, you can set different reference ranges for every age group of the patient. The interface is designed and kept very easy, so there is almost no learning curve.

For example : For Haemoglobin, the reference range can vary in days, weeks, months, years. Hence, for every age group different reference ranges can be set.


We have added support for calculations. You can add calculations like a mathematical formula with by test names as variables.

Calculations for tests

Other Updates

Other minor updates include, List of options in case of multiple inputs for tests, underline specific test names, break line in case of descriptive values like interpretation, make test optional so tests with Blank value or value ‘-’ will not appear on the report while printing PDF.

Performance improvements in Operations

The waiting List is now made fast and live, which means that you don’t have to refresh that page every time to view the changes, the content is loaded automatically. So next time when there are more than one users working on operations, each user can work in sync with the other user.

Hence for best experience, you can try out the operation settings and set the update interval as per your convenience.

Quick Test Entry

Quick test entry lets you fill report right from waiting list, and you can also switch between reports faster. Quick fill also lets you sign and save the report instead of just filling the report. You can also use advance editor for formatting report text and view reference ranges in case of doubt.

Test Wise Waiting List — with nested filters

Test wise waiting list has been upgraded with a nested search and progress of each test. This filter can be used by just typing the test names / patient names and the waiting list will get filtered automatically. This update bring lot of productive capabilities for the operations user making his work more clear and fast.

Try out with your own set of inputs to see how you can make the most of it.

Selective Print/Review (Print Specific reports together)

Selective review lets you print and club any number of reports together in one pdf. This makes printing customisable, as per convenience.

Warning : When merging two reports in one page, the report details like, Sample Date, Report Date, Sample ID, and Report ID will not wary per report, it will be generalised for the entire group of reports.

Selective review is available next to review all

After selecting that, you can chose and pick any report and check review.

With selective review, other options like category wise review, back to back (no page break)review is also available.

All these options are also available on pending prints.

Settings in Lab Operations

Settings in lab operations give the ability to have customized waiting labels and the ability to disable storing of password for security purpose. You can override calculations as well in settings, which will force the calculated output to avoid manual error.

The Lab Operations person can customize setting as per their own convenience, without affecting the settings of others lab operators.

Operation Settings

Archives & History

Archives is a new addition to the panel. The new history is available for last three days, where you can quickly browse through it and search it for printing or reviewing.

Archives will let you find report which are long completed, for more than 3 days to the beginning of use. The search in the archives is just like the previous history search.

Review Counter

Review counter counts the number of times a report was reviewed which can be used to check if the report has been opened for review before or not.

Minor Updates in Admin

We have changed the structure of the admin panel and re-ordered sections on the left. We have eased the Doctor & Referral Management for faster price list addition.

Registration Login Related Updates

Ability to customise settings for registration and billing has been added. We let you choose and pick your inputs which will customer your reception’s daily work the way they like it.

Sample Management

We have added support for handling, re-printing and searching sample ids and bar-codes. Once the sample is generated, you can find everyday samples, available for reprint in sample management section. Advance search now has a section to search previous samples too.

Hope you like our updates, for any feedback or suggestions reach us at

