Customer feedback and why it matters.

Sumit Pawar
LiveHealth for Diagnostics
3 min readJun 30, 2018

Countless studies have documented the significant benefits of collecting feedback about business performance and approaches. The concept is not new, but the value is real. So why do many well-intentioned businesses fail to take full advantage of this potential competitive edge?

The key here is about taking action. We’ve seen plenty of businesses which stack up feedback responses in their hypothetical shelves gathering dust. And we have also seen businesses who grab the opportunity to upgrade their process in order to provide a better and engaging patient experience at the earliest stage.

LiveHealth provides you a detailed list of feedback responses which the lab customers register through the app after they receive their reports. This includes the customer rating along with the comments they add (if any).

Let’s talk statistics here, for the month of May 2018, LiveHealth powered labs in total registered more than 1600+ feedback responses and out of those 94% patients walked out the lab with a great experience.
For some labs the number of customer feedbacks received were more than what they received on any other platform.

Feedback statistics (May 2018)

Now we all know that the praise is a good thing to have. But, it’s the bad feedback responses that will help you grow and scale into not just a big lab but a better one.

There were 97 responses we received which were of the patients who were not happy with the services rendered by the lab.
More than 60% of those complaints were regarding these 3 issues:
1.) Delay in Report Dispatch
2.) Issues at the reception counter
3.) Lab Environment (Hygiene)

Let these points serve you as a checklist to see where things stand in this very moment you are reading this post.

This much feedback good or bad gives you enough data to perform an in-lab analysis.
Once you’ve analysed the feedback, marks areas where you need improvements & make strategies to overcome those.

Got feedback? This is what to do with it!

We recommend you figure things out on this front by revisiting your current process flow at the lab and start applying new attitudes and behaviors in the lab wherever you feel like there is room for improvement.
Develop specific strategies and focus on building a plan with clear milestones.
Be deliberate in your efforts, and seek out support from others in your business to help reach your ultimate goal, which are those glowing 5 stars which represent a happy customer.

How can you track feedback within LiveHealth you ask? Refer the image below:

LiveHealth Feedback Section Location

Speaking of feedback, why not let us know what you think: Give Feedback



Sumit Pawar
LiveHealth for Diagnostics

A geek with love for storytelling, puns and obscure video game trivia