LiveHealth for Diagnostics 3.5

This update brings significant improvements for multi location accounts, & some exciting things for everyone, as a free update

Abhimanyu Bhosale
LiveHealth for Diagnostics
4 min readSep 5, 2017


Hello again, its our monthly, product update blog post. Please share your feedback in the comments below and hit follow to subscribe to our updates & news about the platform.

Lets start with whats new.

New Features

One click — Complete patient overview

This is the most anticipated feature which I’m sure we will be extending to a lot of more options in the coming months, like edit, & comments or flag values.

Sample Patient Overview
  1. Patient Details with Sex & Age
  2. Visit dates when the Patient. (Collated from billing history)
  3. General details about that visit, Referral, Organisation & Staff member details
  4. Report details, with parameters (hint-reports are collapsable)

This overview helps doctors to get a patient summary across visits.

Help us with your comments below, as to what options would you like have in patient overview.

We also now supports descriptive previous values during report entry, Past summary report also not supports descriptive values. So you can now take out a comparative Urine Routine, or a Culture & Sensitivity Report.

Manage your Service List, Referrals & Organisations across multiple locations

This update helps business with multiple location manage a common master data across locations & avoid data redundancy and inaccuracies.

  1. The Multi Location Item checkbox sets that item i.e. Referral / Organisation / Service Item (test) is to be managed & created across locations
  2. Below that check you will see the list of locations, which the current account has access to. Select locations which you’d like to manage this entity
  3. Editable checkbox, lets you decide which locations have the right to edit & which don’t

Multi location is currently supported for the following set of entities

  1. Referrals & Referral Doctors
  2. Organisations
  3. Service Items, Service Test
  4. Lists (Price Lists, Revenue Sharing lists, Discount lists)

Differentiate Automated & Manual values while reporting

This update helps doctors to authorise reports based on the parameter values, being certain that the value has not being edited post interfacing.

*This flag is only for operations & is not shown to anyone, like referrals, organisations or patients.

Sample report view
  1. A — Automated Interfaced Value
  2. M — Manually Entered Value

Smarter prompt in bill edits— price lists & revenue sharing lists update options

Sample bill editing screen
  1. If a Referral is updated, the system prompts based on the the lists assigned to update the details for that bill
  2. Updating Orgnisations, currently supports only price list update option.

Post updation the system prompts the user about the lists currently active, making it clear to distinguish which price list is applied.

Other Updates & Enhancement

Lot of MIS Reports added

  1. Daily Business Summary Report
  2. Monthly, Day wise Business summary report
  3. Department Investigation report (with profile segregation)
  4. All Referrals / Organisations Bulk Summary (excel only)
  5. Exceptions Report (stating any escalating activities of the day)

Single Test Refunds & Complete Bill Refunds support

We’ve updated the way payments are managed to support refunds, for any sort of transaction. We have carefully maintained transaction integrity.

SMS Campaigns in multiple languages

LiveHealth Reachc our campaign management tool, for SMS campaigns now support all regional languages, including, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Arabic (yes, even RTL languages)

Staff specific discount percentage

Staff access management gets update to support, discount percentage, price changes, concession limits, etc.

Auto select last Referral & Organisation of the patents

Referral & Organisations of a patient are automatically picked based on the last visit for the next registration.

Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements

  • Major speed improvements in billing — (<2 sec billing)
  • Speed improvements for accession, sample print
  • Fixed – Limited patient reports shown in advance search for larges data sets, fixed
  • Fixed – PDFs download not working for certain chrome versions
  • Enable organisations even after deactivation
  • Instrument interfacing logs for archives
  • Age calculations not working for multi-templates formats
  • Other minor bug fixes & enhancements

Thanks for reading the update notes, please share your feedback in the comments below.

Thanks you for using LiveHealth for Diagnostics



Abhimanyu Bhosale
LiveHealth for Diagnostics

Thinker. Engineer. Problem Solver. Trying to be a Leader. Co-Founder & CEO @LiveHealth_