Simple and fastest way to help you

LiveHealth for Diagnostics
4 min readAug 29, 2017

Our Customer Success team always ensures that you as an user of LiveHealth solutions achieve your desired outcome through your every interaction with our team. With this in mind, we always strive to implement more effective and efficient tools and practices to connect and interact with you.

It’s now over a year we have introduced Live Chat, right in your LiveHealth solution window to connect you to our Technical Support team. Factually, 65% of LiveHealth solution users say that they feel Live Chat is an amazing way for getting their queries answered.

*Please rate your conversation with our Support Engineer, this helps us analyse and improve our Support to you.

While we are and will always be available on call and emails, Live Chat has proved to be more efficient than a phone call and way faster than email. You need not wait to be attended or addressed.

We know that you definitely won’t like to pick up the phone and call any customer support executive to hear “Kripya prateeksha kijiye, aap abhi kataar mein hain…”

You also surely would not like to wait for a response on your query sent via email.

So, we have made it easy for you — just chat with us live, about your queries, your concerns related to your LiveHealth solution.

Our Support Engineer is online 24x7 on live chat to get your queries resolved and help you work better. He/ She understands your problem, analyses it, takes action and replies to your query with a resolution. Every query can’t be resolved upfront. If your query needs to be addressed by our technical team, it takes time. The Support Engineer can revert to you with a solution only after it’s resolved. Meanwhile, you can always know the status of your query from the Support Engineer.

Live Chat has following benefits-

  • While you can chat with our Support Engineer in real-time, we can address more users like you, and resolve more user queries in a day.
  • It’s an easy way to get your query answered without putting your work on hold.
  • You can instantly share supporting files, images, screenshots over the chat along with your queries. Our Support Engineer can help you more better by sharing the links of articles with answers to frequently asked queries.
  • It’s not only the Support Engineer chatting with you who is monitoring your query. Your every chat is monitored by the entire Customer Success team. This helps us collaborate and resolve your queries better and also keep a track of your every query.
  • Every chat is recorded, so any time in future you can scroll up through the chat window and refer the earlier interactions and solutions, if required.
  • We regularly analyse this repository of the queries we receive from our users and find out solutions to make your experience with LiveHealth more better, every day.

You can see the outcomes of Live Chat for over a period of month — 14th July to 14th August 2017-

Most of the LiveHealth solution users have observed that our response time and also our query resolution time has dropped considerably.

Live Chat is your place to:

  1. Report your queries and get quick resolution from the Support Team
  2. Get product update messages from our Customer Success Team
  3. Get important notifications about your account

So next time, if you have a query simply post it on the Live Chat — it’s faster!

We have created a Help Center — a comprehensive repository of your frequently asked queries and their solutions. You may always find an answer for most of your queries here.

Try our Help Center

