Why Lab Instrument Interfacing is a Must Today!

System integration with interfaced instruments offer high accuracy over results, provide a seamless lab experience to all beneficiaries and help in building customer reliability.

Godavari Doke
LiveHealth for Diagnostics
3 min readSep 10, 2019


Why you must consider Machine Interfacing with LIMS

Importance of Interfacing Machines to your LIMS-

Effective Instrument Utilization Increases Productivity

Interfaced systems allow effective utilization of instruments to improve sample analysis. While system integration enhances functionality, auto-entering results in LIS saves the need for manual entries, reducing confusion and redundancy of work for the staff. Reduced manual interference significantly decreases staff efforts and offers them more time to help patients. Such repurposing of resources in a refined manner enabled with increased process efficiency leads to better productivity at operations.

Improve Accuracy of Medical Reports for Users

By efficiently handling a heavy volume of data, machine interfacing adds quality to every task performed. It auto-fetches test values and auto-fills results in lab management software eliminating the possibility of manual errors throughout report generation process; thus enabling the system to produce error-free reports. Offering high accuracy over results, system integration with interfaced instruments help in building customer reliability and provides a seamless lab experience to all beneficiaries.

Deliver Results Faster with Shorter TAT

Complete automation of sample analysis procedure minimizes time to generate results as compared to the traditional way of processing. Going with the right type of interfacing tool for your machine helps boost the entire process cycle; thus reducing the turnaround time. Consequently, reduced efforts with improved work rate enable you to process more samples per day and deliver reports faster than before.

The technological advancement in lab analyzers has led to an increase in operational throughput and a substantial rise in data volume. While we use updated technologies, we also need innovative methods for handling such high data volume and samples; with a view towards enhancing the quality of service and increase business productivity.

Laboratories today have switched to automated solutions like LIMS to manage operations and efficiently utilize such huge volume of data throughout all processes. However, for complete lab automation and integration, machine interfacing is highly needed and hence, you must consider it with Laboratory Information Software.

And, that’s not the only advantage of using interfaced machines. The systematic collaboration of all equipment with medical laboratory management software adds more profit to your enterprise. Before you interface your systems, know what role it plays and which type fits best for your industry.

Types of Machine Interfaces in LIMS

Types of Machine Interfacing -

Uni-directional Instruments

Offering a single way of communication, uni-directional instruments require you to manually enter test details after sample placement. Soon after processing, the instrument auto-fetches relative data and inputs result back to your LIMS. If analyzers are incapable of bi-directional interfacing, you can always opt for unidirectional.

Bi-directional Instruments

Bi-directional instruments function in both ways where you can add machine-readable labels like barcodes to your samples and allow instruments to scan them for processing. The information that each barcode carries, acts as a command to the software using which a request is sent to the software. The software then reads the request and reverts about the corresponding test(s) to be performed. Following that, relative test values are then automatically fetched and results are added into the system software.

By having the opportunity to enhance lab productivity using machine interfacing in pathology management software, you can improve revenue and have better ROI for your laboratory business.

