Go with OOP

Sakib Sami
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017

Go / Golang is a modern programming language developed by Google. Though Go is not an Object Oriented Programming language like Java, C#, Python, or other programming languages, there is a way to achieve this.
Then, Let's see how one can achieve OO behavior in a Go program.

Class vs Structure

There is struct instead of class in go. And you can achieve the behavior of a class in go using struct. Let's see an example,

public class Student() {
private String name;
private String dept;
public Student() {}public Student(String name, String dept){
this.name = name;
this.dept = dept;
public String getName(){
return this.name;
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
public String getDept(){
return this.dept;
public void setDept(String dept){
this.dept = dept;

Equivalent code in go,

type Student struct {
name string
dept string
func NewStudent(name string, dept string) Student {
return Student{
name: name,
dept: dept,
func (s *Student) GetName() string {
return s.name
func (s *Student) SetName(name string) {
s.name = name
func (s *Student) GetDept() string {
return s.dept
func (s *Student) SetDept(dept string) {
s.dept = dept

Note : In go properties starts with anything other than uppercase is not accessible from outside of package.

Inheritance vs Composition

type TA struct {
_Courses []string
func NewTA(name string, dept string, courses []string) TA {
return TA{
name: name,
dept: dept,
func (ta *TA) SetCourses(courses []string) {
ta._Courses = courses
func (ta *TA) GetCourses() []string {
return ta._Courses

Composition is a way of embedding one structure within another. In above example embedded Student structure in TA. And by this you can achieve behaviour of the embedded structure too.


In go fields, methods, structures name starts with anything other than uppercase are private by default from outside of package.
consider the above example.


import "fmt"type DriverInfo interface {
GetInfo() string
type Driver struct {
Name string
type CarDriver struct {
type MotorDriver struct {
func (d Driver) GetInfo() string {
return d.Name + ", Driver"
func (cd CarDriver) GetInfo() string {
return cd.Name + ", CarDriver"
func (md MotorDriver) GetInfo() string {
return md.Name + ", MotorDriver"
func main() {
d := Driver{Name: "A"}
cd := CarDriver{Driver{Name: "B"}}
md := MotorDriver{Driver{Name: "C"}}

Example of method overriding. Go doesn’t support method overloading.


One can achieve abstraction using interface.
Consider the above example.

Originally published at www.sakib.ninja on October 11, 2017.



Sakib Sami

Senior Software Engineer @ Twilio | Entrepreneur | Tech Ninja