Building a Dream: How a Single Mom is Using LiveMe to Support Her Family

Team LiveMe
LiveMe Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2019
Jeanne is one of Russia’s top LiveMe broadcasters. When she’s not broadcasting, she is busy raising her two young children.

LiveMe is full of interesting people, and as we expand across the globe, we continue to meet new people with amazing stories. One of those special people is Jeanne (YЯЯЕВWAЯTS), a single mom from Russia who also happens to be one of the top broadcasters in the country. In a little over two years, Jeanne has grown her following to almost 310,000 fans — and she is still at the beginning of her LiveMe journey.

In a new interview for our Spotlight series, we talked to Jeanne about her family, her broadcasts, and her friends on LiveMe.

The Beginning: Before LiveMe

Though she was born and raised in Russia, Jeanne has lived in a lot of different cities across the country. “I’m not an only child in my family. That is why I always wanted to have many children.” Jeanne has two kids: Nikita who is seven years old, and Diana, her three-year-old “princess.”

“Nikita studies at school and plays hockey. I’m very proud of him,” Jeanne told LiveMe. “[Diana] goes to kindergarten and loves dressing up in different clothes.”

Jeanne broadcasts live and fans send her virtual gifts, including a carousel. She has 300,000+ followers on LiveMe.

Discovering LiveMe

Jeanne first discovered LiveMe in November 2016 after finding out about it on Russia’s largest social media platform, Vkontakte. “I fell in love with the app at that very moment. I’ve been broadcasting and making my followers happy every day since then.”

For Jeanne, a typical broadcast can be anything from putting on a fashion show with various outfits or simply talking to her fans. “Some followers like to come to my morning broadcasts, and I make pancakes for them,” she joked.

Motherhood and Broadcasting

While she enjoys broadcasting, Jeanne says that both motherhood and LiveMe keep her very, very busy. “All of my free time is spent with my kids: kindergarten, school, hockey, roller skates, skateboard, skating rink, especially for Diana. She is very good on the skating rink.”

Jeanne’s daughter ice skates, one of her favorite hobbies. Jeanne’s LiveMe broadcasts often feature her kids Nikita and Diana.

Despite her hectic schedule, however, Jeanne is able to juggle her full-time jobs as a mom and as a broadcaster. “The kids are growing so fast. I’m doing my broadcasts in my kitchen, when Diana sleeps or when Nikita plays with her. He is very helpful!”

“LiveMe gives me a great opportunity to provide for my children and myself,” Jeanne continued. “I would like to broadcast more often, but I’m a mother first and a broadcaster second.”

Building a LiveMe Family

While Jeanne has hundreds of thousands of fans now, the journey hasn’t been always been easy. For the first two years after joining, she had trouble maintaining a following. “Followers came and went. I’m happy that now I’ve gathered people around me that are warm and cordial,” she said. “The secret behind my success is the people.”

The tight-knit community she has created on LiveMe has even grown beyond the app. They even send each other gifts during holidays.

“I always keep in touch with my fans. We call and text each other, share conversations about important events in our lives,” Jeanne said. “They are my friends and my support system. They always have my back.”

The Future

Right now Jeanne and her family live in a small apartment, but she has a dream of one day owning her own home — a goal she hopes to achieve with the help of LiveMe. “The kids are growing so fast, and they need room to play,” she added.

As for her broadcast content, Jeanne is in the process of coming up with some new ideas.

“I really want to create a nightly parody show,” she said. “And I also want to improve my English.”

“And I know I can do all of that. I’m grateful to LiveMe for this opportunity.”



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