Announcing LVN : The world’s first global food economy, powered by the blockchain.

Jan Uwland
5 min readMar 26, 2018


To our Friends, Family, Partners, Members, Shareholders and Everyone in Between:

This is our biggest announcement to date. We’re launching the next evolution of our platform to the world - and invite you all to step forward with us into the future of mobile payments.

We have been working for over a year with a functioning digital network currency called ‘Liven Cash’, enabling users to receive and pay merchants in-app with a universal credit issued by us. The community’s response has been phenomenal. As of May 2018, we have 250,000 users across two cities in Australia, and over 1,000 merchant partners accepting LivenPay payments while rewarding engaged customers with Liven Cash. On top of this, late in 2017 we began forging relationships with some of the biggest national brands in food and beverage. First with SumoSalad, followed by 8Bit Burgers, Gelato Messina, NeNe Chicken, PappaRich, Roll’d, Gong Cha, Mad Mex, Coco Cubano, Pokéd and many more confirmed to go live in the coming weeks.

Following that, we plan to expand Liven internationally into London, New York, San Francisco, and Austin in 2019.

Liven has never been satisfied with the status quo. We spend a lot of time working to keep up with and surpass current technology solutions for the benefit of our members. For the past couple of years, we’ve carefully been researching blockchain technology and its practical application for a platform like ours. Aware of the shortcomings of some of the projects that have made the technology well-known, and always learning how distributed ledgers could revolutionise what we do, and help us achieve our vision. We’re building the world’s most advanced purpose-built payments economy - a borderless ecosystem for lifestyle spending.

The true innovation popularised by Bitcoin and it’s successors is the distributed ledger. A way to manage data exchange without a central provider or governing body, maintained by thousands of devices distributing the technical workload, and incapable of tampering with the data itself. This enables people, organisations, businesses, and borderless communities to manage assets; financial or otherwise — free of influence from national governments, central banks, or other providers — with complete transparency. The practical impact of mass blockchain adoption, is a world of purpose-built micro economies and value exchanges. A global platform that transcends sovereign lines and works directly for the interaction between consumer and service provider. For us, this means capabilities that could never be afforded to us by interacting with traditional financial infrastructure, less jumping through technical hoops to achieve simple product functions, and most importantly, the potential to do even more for the customer experience.

Every day, the opportunities afforded by blockchain technology expand as new use cases are discovered. As a payments business, we’re adamant blockchain is the future of trustless, borderless exchange of value. We’re more than excited to be completely overhauling the Liven platform to take full advantage of the limitless capabilities before us — taking steps into the unknown and building a network that truly changes how we financially interact with one another.

Introducing LVN.

A Stable Cryptocurrency backed by brick and mortar businesses, and ready to spend at thousands of merchants on launch day.

To launch our new product, we will be creating our own digital currency: LivenCoin, or LVN for short. For users of the Liven Cash system, credit will be migrated across in fiat value for the launch of the new Liven, and all of the features people love about Liven Cash will remain, plus new features and facilities enabled by transitioning to a true digital currency.

LVN will function as an intrinsic store of value across our network, and will have it’s own internal exchange rate backed by the volume of transactions made in real, brick-and-mortar businesses. This means each token has a guaranteed purchasing power at over a thousand real businesses on launch day — regardless of any arbitrary value the community may place on them. Users will be able to transact in fiat currency (AUD, USD) or LVN at all partnered merchants, and will receive LVN for transacting as part of the intelligent rewards network that we’ve built over the last 4 years. Merchant partners will be paid in fiat currency, or, if interested, can opt to receive payments entirely in LVN. To add to these functions, we will be reinventing our platform for giving, offering a decentralised way for consumers to directly influence the causes they care about — through a smart contract that brings never before seen transparency to the world of charity.

We will be conducting a global-scale token generation event; minting a single release of 10,000,000,000 LVN to be used indefinitely for our closed loop economy. Small portions of this supply will be allocated to strategic vested reserves, founders, shareholders, and advisors. A larger sum will remain locked in our platform’s ‘reward pool’ — the backbone of our intelligent rewards mechanism. These reserves act to both stabilise the value of the currency internally and externally, and to facilitate the reward functions that define our platform.

The remainder of the tokens minted — 3 billion LVN; will be sold in tiered tranches privately to stakeholders, businesses and friends, then publicly to enthusiasts, users, and believers alike. The total sale amount is set to a maximum of $28,000,000 USD. Everyone can request access to the private sale, but will have to provide ample proof-of-care (non-monetary contribution to the team and platform that shows a commitment to the cause.) On the day of platform launch this year, any buyer will be able to spend their LVN tokens at thousands of Liven partner merchants via the LivenPay platform.

On the day of platform launch this year, any buyer will be able to spend their LVN tokens at thousands of Liven partner merchants via the LivenPay platform.

We’re doing this for the same reason we started the Liven journey almost four years ago. Our core principles remain the same, and every day we strive towards building a platform that enables people to seamlessly do more of the things they love. Integrating blockchain components enables us to go further, and get even closer to the realisation of our vision. This is still only the beginning for us. And we’re happy to invite you to join us in doing something amazing.

Registrations for pre-sale are open NOW. Join via

The details of the remainder of the sale will be issued periodically both here on Medium, and to our public community on Telegram.

Telegram: @livenpay
Download the app: Liven

