Giving Thanks

Thom Crowe
Live Orthodoxy
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

We Orthodox are a thankful bunch; we give thanks to God when we wake in the morning and before we go to sleep, during our hours of prayer and during the Divine Liturgy. Our whole lives are a time for us to offer thanks to God. That doesn’t negate the fact that I love Thanksgiving, the day that we as a nation take some time to pause and reflect on the many blessings we each have.

This year has been a big year for us in our house and I’d like to take a few moments to share my gratitude. In February, our sweet little Elise was born, a healthy beautiful baby girl. For the past nine months, we have been blessed to watch her grow, learn and develop her personality each and every day. I’ve watched her laugh, crawl, talk, stand, wave, point and learn to make everyone around her laugh. She’s the single most precious thing in our lives, and I can’t begin to offer any thanks to God that would be worthy of the most incredible blessing I have in my life. I get to share this experience with my best friend, my beloved companion, my partner in crime, my wife. We wouldn’t have her if it weren’t for her birth mother and father, to whom we are also grateful.

By the grace of God, I was ordained to the holy diaconate. I am thankful every week when I stand in front and kiss of the altar and when Father George places the body of Christ in my hand. It is a great responsibility, and I thank God that I can serve our parish and the Holy Church.

I am blessed to have a loving and supportive family, on my side and Christine’s. Our friends and church family add to our lives and help us as we help Ellie grow up to be the amazing girl I know she will be. They are so much more than I deserve.

I know we offer thanks every day, but today, I’m taking the time to share my thanks for everything God gives me.

Everlasting King, Thy will for our salvation is full of power. Thy right arm controls the whole course of human life. We give Thee thanks for all Thy mercies, seen and unseen. For eternal life, for the heavenly Joys of the Kingdom which is to be. Grant mercy to us who sing Thy praise, both now and in the time to come. Glory to Thee, O God, from age to age.



Thom Crowe
Live Orthodoxy

I'm Thom. Orthodox Deacon, new dad, okay husband, foodie/home chef, displaced Houstonian in Tulsa, & social media junkie. Everything here is purely my opinion.