A look at recent and 🔥 Livepeer hacks

Eric Tang
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2021

Last month, Livepeer sponsored bounties at EthGlobal’s Web3 Weekend — the returns were EPIC . For starters, ETHGlobal used LivePeer Technology to stream the Web3 hackathon’s kickoff talks and ceremonies. Seeing LivePeer tech enable hackers learn about what they wanted to build, created a virtuous and full circle for the dweb and Livepeer community. Thus setting the tone, for the success to come.

All the Livepeer hacks submissions were unreal. Our top winners were:

  1. Content Stream
  2. LiveStream NFT and Minting
  3. DBS: Decentralized Broadcast & Stream and Huddle

Let’s dive into the hacks that blew us away.

Content Stream

Content Stream is a broadcast marketplace and platform that enables content creators to sell streams as bundles and NFTs. It was inspired by the wave of NFTpopularity. The ContentStrean hackers illustrate that while NFTs have exploded in popularity, much of the usecases revolve around price speculation. “Instead of being rooted in speculation, we hope to create NFT that people can connect to as well as have a piece of history from a streamer’s career” the winners describe.

How and Why it works

Streamers have large followings and may post their content on streaming sites but the buck stops there. ContentStream gives these creators the ability to tap into their followings and further connect with fans by providing memorabilia and additional revenue opportunities for the creators. Ultimately, Content Stream allows any streamer to turn their streamed content into a sellable NFT and IPFS collection.

The collections can then be sold and resold by new owners and fans.

LiveStream NFT Minting

LiveStream NFT Minting enables NFTs to be minted in real-time from livestream video processed by Livepeer’s Broadcaster. This second place project spurs from the minds and works of a global team that spans three continents.

The underlying concept and mission is to enable creators of livestreaming content to automatically mint NFTs of video content they are streaming.


The project adds functionality to LivePeer’s broadcaster to allow segments of video to:

  1. Stored to a decentralized storage network (IPFS/Filecoin or Swarm)
  2. Minted as NFTs on a Layer 2

We’re excited to see creative possibilities explode from this easy to use feature.

Decentralized Broadcast and Stream

DBS integrates live stream technology (Livepeer) for music creators on Audius. There is a wide array of musicians on Audius — an open platform for audio creators. This project focuses on using Livepeer to livestream these creators’ concerts. The hack team has implemented Unlock protocol so that users can pay DBS for new content.


And in tie with DBS for third place of Livepeer’s Web3 Weeknd is Huddle.This hack utilizes Livepeer tech to build the future of education. Huddle is decentralized video conferencing built for remote learning using blockchain and web3 technology.


We are stunned at the enthusiasm and talent building on Livepeer at the moment. From music, to marketplaces, to education, to hackathons themselves — there are creative and useful opportunities to build with decentralized livestreaming. Let us know what you want to see built next and we’ll inform our future bounty contents. Until next time — stay LIVE.



Eric Tang
Editor for

Engineer +Entrepreneur, Building Livepeer. Previously CTO @wildcard. @carnegiemellon alum.