Caregivers — The Real Heroes in the Cancer Battle

Livestrong Voices
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2016

The real story of the caregiver is often untold and/or under-appreciated in both the healthcare space and cancer world.

At LIVESTRONG, we get to see some very special people do some really amazing work for the ones they love. In the last few months alone, I have had a couple of these experiences personally. When John, an old friend of mine was diagnosed and needed a surgeon for his prostate, it was his wife Amanda who reached out with a call for advice and information. John was a college basketball player and avid golfer and they never saw this coming. Late last year, I also am reminded of the amazing work my cousin Kirby (a notable orthopedic surgeon in his own right) did for his mom, my Aunt Jean, as she battled during the last days of her life. These serve as simple examples and reminders of how much our caregivers do for us.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the role of the caregiver is often overlooked. Caregivers do everything from setting appointments to assisting with daily needs to being the patient’s advocate in the doctor’s office — speaking up when the patient won’t or can’t. They do so much and yet are often left without support. LIVESTRONG was able to help Amanda feel in control and get the information she needed to help her husband concentrate on getting better. And Kirby was there to the very end with Aunt Jean; helping her to be as comfortable as possible and allowing her enjoy her final days full of peace and serenity.

To all the caregivers — thank you for all you do. You are truly the glue that holds us all together in the face of cancer. Please know that you are not alone. LIVESTRONG can help you get information, emotional support and help you to make a plan moving forward through and beyond your loved one’s cancer experience. Go to our website for information tailored to caregiver needs.

Caregivers — this one’s for you!


Greg Lee — LIVESTRONG President

