How Cryptocurrency Relates with Social Media

Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2019

How it affects businesses in crypto industries?

Social media have had a key role to play in many aspects of our lives. The relationship and interactions developed with cryptocurrency especially has been rather unique. Discussion forums on apps and social media sites have helped to push the idea behind the technology and engaged many. Reddit, Twitter and Facebook have particularly been integral platforms that have led to different cryptocurrency solutions just from popularity.

Their role in communication for users of cryptocurrencies has been very significant. Even the media coverage that the technology gets is almost always on social media which many are now accustomed to getting their information from.

Through these sites widely spread. Teams have been able to cooperate effectively despite global distances between them.

Take LiveTrade as an example. It is a US-based multi-asset exchange & brokerage whose offices are located all over the world like the U.S., VietNam, with an aim to expand its business globally to Australia, Singapore as well as Asian countries such as Thailand. The Team regularly communicate through several social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Telegram. As a result, despite the long distance, they still cooperate well and gain work productivity.

There is another example for the effect it currently has: Reddit has the most significant participation. Most of the insider industry publications are freely traded on the platform and vital news involving the technology and things related first go through Reddit before appearing on other social networks.

The Takeaway

The cryptocurrency. Influence on social media is not a given because new crypto minded social networks may arise and turn it on its head; at the moment, however, its role is integral only the future will tell how it plays out.

