Livetree partners with XP.Network

Import NFTs from Polygon, Fanton, Tron, Avalanche, +others and create a #collective NFT community that earns you royalties whilst bringing you closer to your NFT fans, collectors and investors

Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2023


Why has Livetree partnered with XP.Network?

Livetree already supports a number of blockchains which you can choose between when you setup your #Collective on the Livetree app (which is free btw).


Invite code: AshleyTuring

When setting up, select: Moonbeam, Moonriver, Celo, Unique, Quartz, or Ethereum

Livetree’s partnership with XP.NETWORK means you can now import your NFT digital assets from the 20+ other blockchains, such as BNB Chain, Polygon, Tezos, MultiversX, VeChain, etc. It’s very easy to do once you’ve got the app setup, just head over to and you can import NFTs into your collective.

Monetise your digital creations

By importing your NFTs into a Livetree #collective, your assets become tokenised. This transforms how you can make money from your NFT collection.

Your #collective has 1 million membership tokens, so you no longer need to sell your entire NFT collections to collectors and investors, but now instead you can sell a share of your assets in the form of your #collective membership token.

This provides a new source of revenue not only for creators but also gives something back to collectors, because they can trade their #collective membership tokens, use them to vote for collective on-chain proposals, AND redeem them against the #collective’s treasury!

Build your community around your collective’s #hashtag

Join a collective by purchasing membership tokens (ERC20) and you’ll own a fraction of your favourite NFT (it’s like having a small number of jigsaw pieces from a valuable puzzle!)

After that, you can start generating revenue for your collective in a variety of ways (more on this in a second), which in turn boosts the value of your membership coins.

Any income generated from posts tagged with the collective’s #hashtag will be credited to the collective’s Treasury, which is staked against your membership tokens. Meaning the more income from posts the more valuable your membership tokens.

Let’s run through an example…

Let’s say you create a pay-to-view masterclass on “How to collect NFTs”, tag it with your favourite collective community’s #hashtag, and then when someone pays to view it, the royalties are credited to the collective’s treasury. And this means that the value of your membership coin goes up because the income backs the tokens.

Here are few ways your community members can generate royalties for your collective

  • You can host live ticketed events about NFT artworks.
  • You can create pay-to-view videos where you give advice on where to find the best and authentic NFTs (hint: Livetree).
  • You can host a live video event for all your members, where fans can give you a tip or e-gifts (to say thanks and get a shoutout) for proving the NFT is authentic
  • Folks can ‘pin’ messages to your member-only video livestream, to get the recognition they deserve!

This means you can build communities of collectors and fans who are strongly incentivized to generate royalties for the collectives because they hold membership coins. And the beautiful thing is: you don’t need to sell your NFTs!

Establish ownership and authenticity

Memberships also can help establish proof of ownership and authenticity when it comes to NFT assets. This is really important for creators who are keen to protect their intellectual property rights and prevent unauthorised use or reproduction of their work.

As a member, you hold the #collective’s membership token, you can use that to vote on proposals. For instance, you can propose to embed your own ownership and creative copyright directly into the collective.

The on-chain governance means creators who hold more than 51% of the collective’s coin can pass proposals to embed their own creative copyright licences, and because it is on blockchain it is visible to all participants.

You can connect with collective members directly, or have group video calls, community sessions and authenticate the rarity of assets, all through the livetree app which supports live video streaming and paid member-only ticketed events.

Increase visibility and reach

Tokenizing your NFTs through a Livetree collective, combined with the social features of the Livetree app, enables creators to increase the visibility and reach of their work. The Livetree app requires no blockchain experience, so the community beyond the traditional blockchain and cryptocurrency groups can get involved and discover amazing creators.

Connect with collective members directly, have group video calls, community sessions, all through the Livetree app. Get featured on the social feed and find exclusive invites to the hottest NFT communities.


Invite code: AshleyTuring






Unleash your creative potential with Livetree. Monetize your content, engage with fans, and explore the possibilities of blockchain. Join us today!