Livetree invites creators to build sustainable, decentralized collectives. These are profiles with earning capabilities on all posts. Each post can be converted to an NFT that can be accessed through membership. All posts earn an #nftColletive revenue. Other users can join an #nftCollective by buying-into a collective. We believe in an ownership economy where users control their social content. As a member of the collective users receive collective social tokens and can access exclusive pay-per-views, masterclasses, live-ticketed events and member-only content. And so much more…
From #nftBLM to #nftSaveThePlanet to anything you can imagine. Users can create #nftCollectives that come with its a personalized cryptocurrency, that is backed and supported by its treasury.
An #nftCollective is driven by the ownership economy. Members have a stake in how the collective and the Livetree platform are run, managed and operated. This is a revolution in social networking and a step towards a fair-web.
#nftCollective structure
- Collective Treasury
- Collective Token
- Collective Voting
- Creative Copyright
- NFT Lending
The #nftCollectives enables a sustainable and decentralized : Ownership Economy