Serving the Lord… among All Peoples

Joao Mordomo
La Vida DOXA
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2018

(This is part three of a seven-part devotional series from Acts 20:13–38.)

BIBLE READING: Acts 20:20–21, 28


“…testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.” (v. 21)

Paul had spent three years planting the church in Ephesus, declaring the Gospel to both Jews and non-Jews. Why was he concerned with non-Jews, since he himself was Jewish? He tells us in Rom. 1.5: “through [Christ] we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations.” Paul understood that he was — and WE are! — called to take the Gospel to all “ethnic groups” (a better translation than “nations”) “for the sake of [Christ’s] name”, which is another way of saying for God’s glory. David, too, understood God’s worth and His desire to be known and worshipped among all peoples, which is why he wrote things like “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods.” (Ps. 96.3–4) Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf and the Moravian Church also were convinced that God desires and deserves to be worshipped among all peoples, which is why they began a “round the clock” prayer watch (24 hours a day, nonstop) that lasted, unbroken, for over 100 years, and why they had an unparalleled missionary zeal, sending over 50% of their members all over the world as lay missionaries.

What difference would it make if there were more people like David, Paul and Count Zinzendorf in the world? People radically committed to making Christ known by praying, giving and going, in order for God to receive the glory due His Name among all the peoples of the world. The difference can begin now, starting with YOU, because God is calling YOU to be like these people!


Dear Sovereign God, please open my heart and my mind to the truth of Scripture, that you desire and deserve to be worshipped among all peoples. Please don’t let me help me passionately and sacrificially invest in your global Kingdom, beginning right now.


About the Author

João (but you can call him John) is a “Great Commission Entrepreneur”, passionate about starting and leading anything — mission agencies, churches, businesses — that helps fulfill the Great Commission. He loves to speak, teach, preach and write about God’s glory in all areas of life and among all peoples of the world. His work has appeared in numerous books and in Christianity Todayand The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, among others. He holds degrees in sociology and practical theology, specializations in systematic theology and entrepreneurship, and doctorates in intercultural studies (D.Int.St.) and religious studies (Ph.D.). You can connect with him at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Podcasts, as well as



Joao Mordomo
La Vida DOXA

Adorador de Jesus. Great Commission Entrepreneur. Spreading passion for God's glory in all areas of life & society, and among all peoples of the world.