Serving the Lord… by Letting Go of Loved Ones

Joao Mordomo
La Vida DOXA
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018

(This is part seven of a seven-part devotional series from Acts 20:13–38.)

BIBLE READING: Acts 20:25,36–38


“What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship.” (v. 38; NIV)

As the director of a mission agency, my experience over and over has been that it is not the missionaries themselves who have the most difficulty leaving for ministry, but their family and friends! It is not unusual to see well-meaning parents create obstacles “in the name of the Lord” in order to somehow prevent their loved ones from leaving for a new place, possibly far-away and dangerous. One father even tried to convince his daughter that “‘the 10/40 Window’ [where 80% of the world’s unreached people and peoples reside] is full of missionaries and doesn’t need any more”! But this was not the case for Paul and his dear friends, the Ephesian elders. For while they were pained to their souls, to the point of weeping and grieving at the thought of the possibility of never seeing Paul again, they nonetheless prayed with and for him, embraced and kissed him, and accompanied them to the ship to send him off with their blessing. Paul was not the only one making a sacrifice. Missionaries are not the only ones who make sacrifices (although they do, normally, make the greater sacrifices). Family members and friends are often called on by God to let go of their loved ones in order that God may become known and worshipped among peoples where He is yet unknown. Do you have a family member or friend who believes God is calling them to be a missionary? Have you prayed for them, encouraged and supported them in their calling? Have you let go of them, giving up “your right” to keep them near? If God is not calling you to serve Him cross-culturally, then it is your great honor and privilege to send others, including (especially!) the ones you love the most.


Precious and holy Father, you are great and worthy to be worshipped among all nations. Help me to joyfully let go of, and send, any loved one that you are calling to be a missionary for the sake of your name.


About the Author

João (but you can call him John) is a “Great Commission Entrepreneur”, passionate about starting and leading anything — mission agencies, churches, businesses — that helps fulfill the Great Commission. He loves to speak, teach, preach and write about God’s glory in all areas of life and among all peoples of the world. His work has appeared in numerous books and in Christianity Todayand The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, among others. He holds degrees in sociology and practical theology, specializations in systematic theology and entrepreneurship, and doctorates in intercultural studies (D.Int.St.) and religious studies (Ph.D.). You can connect with him at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Podcasts, as well as



Joao Mordomo
La Vida DOXA

Adorador de Jesus. Great Commission Entrepreneur. Spreading passion for God's glory in all areas of life & society, and among all peoples of the world.