Serving the Lord… through Hard Work and Generous Giving

Joao Mordomo
La Vida DOXA
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

(This is part six of a seven-part devotional series from Acts 20:13–38.)

BIBLE READING: Acts 20:18, 33–35


“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (v. 35)

In medieval times, there was only one “genuine calling”, the vocatio dei, the ecclesiastical calling. Martin Luther was the first theologian of that time to apply the term “calling” (vocatio) to “earthly” or “secular” activities. He understood that all work could be considered as a “gift” and a “calling” and it should be done well, for the greater glory of God (ad majorem gloriam Dei). But this wasn’t a new concept. Paul was already demonstrating and teaching this nearly 1500 years earlier! His attitude was, “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Cor. 10.31). Paul understood the importance of hard work, how it could glorify God and serve His Kingdom. He worked hard (he worked with leather, often to make tents; see Acts 18.3) in order to supply for his own needs, his companions’ needs, and to help those who were weak or poor or unable to work themselves. He followed Jesus’ own teaching, realizing that he was “blessed to be a blessing” and that giving is better than receiving. Paul must have realized that 15% of what Jesus said in Scripture related to money, which is more than His teachings on heaven and hell combined!

But why would Jesus place such emphasis on money and possessions? Because He knew that there is a fundamental connection between our spiritual lives — our relationship with God — and how we think about and handle money. Jesus and Paul and Luther taught us that God is the owner of everything and you and I are just two of His many “money managers”, and when we work hard and give generously, everyone “wins”: God “wins” because He is glorified and His Kingdom is expanded, and we “win” because we can say with Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, that “the less I spent on myself and the more I gave to others, the fuller of happiness and blessing did my soul become.”


Dear God, thank you for blessing me with talents and abilities and resources. May I always use them faithfully and well, for your pleasure. May I always invest the fruit of my labor in Your Kingdom, for the glory of You, my King.


About the Author

João (but you can call him John) is a “Great Commission Entrepreneur”, passionate about starting and leading anything — mission agencies, churches, businesses — that helps fulfill the Great Commission. He loves to speak, teach, preach and write about God’s glory in all areas of life and among all peoples of the world. His work has appeared in numerous books and in Christianity Todayand The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, among others. He holds degrees in sociology and practical theology, specializations in systematic theology and entrepreneurship, and doctorates in intercultural studies (D.Int.St.) and religious studies (Ph.D.). You can connect with him at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Podcasts, as well as



Joao Mordomo
La Vida DOXA

Adorador de Jesus. Great Commission Entrepreneur. Spreading passion for God's glory in all areas of life & society, and among all peoples of the world.