New Revelations About The Ancient Civilization Of Egypt: The Stunning Discoveries InThe Valley Of The Kings

Freddie's Lost Treasures
5 min readJul 16, 2023


British Embassy-Cairo, Egypt

In the Valley of the Kings, located on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor, Egypt, lies a trove of treasures that attest to the grandeur and sophistication of the ancient civilization of Egypt. For centuries, archaeologists have been exploring the valley, uncovering secrets and shedding light on the lives of the pharaohs who were buried there. And yet, even today, new revelations continue to emerge from the tombs that were built more than 3,000 years ago.

In recent years, cutting-edge technologies such as 3D scanning and analysis have allowed archaeologists to discover more information about the lives of the ancient Egyptians, including their beliefs, customs and rituals. One of the most significant recent discoveries is a previously unexplored tomb in the Valley of the Kings that was discovered in 2018. The tomb, designated KV 65, was found by a team of Italian archaeologists who were using ground-penetrating radar.

The tomb was found to be intact, with the burial chamber containing a mummy alongside several funerary objects, including a painted wooden coffin. According to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt, the tomb has been dated to the 18th Dynasty which was between 1550 and 1292 B.C. This makes it around 3,000 years old and was…



Freddie's Lost Treasures

A lifelong traveler in search of lost and hidden treasure. @TreasureFreddie on Twitter