Unearthing The Mystery: The Fascinating Recent Discoveries About The Lost City Of Pompeii

Freddie's Lost Treasures
5 min readJul 16, 2023



Pompeii, the ancient Roman city destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, continues to captivate the imaginations of people worldwide. And thanks to recent discoveries, we now have an even deeper understanding of this historic city and its inhabitants.

One of the most significant findings happened in July 2018 when a new section of Pompeii was discovered. Dubbed “Regio V,” this area has revealed an enormous treasure trove of artifacts, paintings, and buildings. One of the most impressive discoveries was a bathhouse, complete with changing rooms, a cold water plunge, and a large hot tub. The bath house’s vibrant and detailed frescoes depict stunning mythological scenes and sports games, hinting at Pompeii’s lively society. Archaeologists believe that this bath house could have been a part of a more extensive residential complex and can say the uncovering this bathhouse changed the beliefs of what life was like in Regio V.

In December 2018, archaeologists made another significant discovery — the remains of five harnessed horses and a small chariot. This chariot was found in excellent condition and was almost completely intact. This…



Freddie's Lost Treasures

A lifelong traveler in search of lost and hidden treasure. @TreasureFreddie on Twitter